Page 149 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 3
P. 149
with girl’s shifts. This symbolizes the hard path Passions Skins Virtues Shifts
of liberation from traumatic distortions (getting
rid of skins). It happens through recognizing Gluttony greed Continence discipline
an unhealthy pattern, disconnecting from it organization
(withdrawal) and searching for healthy alterna- order
tives (shifts). The process of releasing from the self-control
skin, even though mental, has a strong correla- Lust fornication Chastity beauty
tion with body reactions: discomfort, confusion, purity
cold, insecurity, shame, and stress, unusual, un- Avarice greed Non-possessiveness charity
pleasant and painful feelings. Psychologically it envy freedom
means breaking stereotypes, patterns, abnormal vanity
thoughts, attitudes and perceptions, unhealthy Anger aggressiveness Meekness harmony
bonds. hostility goodwill
The slimy mass of raw meat, which remained anger buoyancy
after Prince Lindworm’s deliverance from all of vindictiveness courage
his protective skins, symbolizes the living part of tension peace
the soul which was kept untouched during years hatred enervation
of dissociation. This is a sensitive and suffering quarrelsomeness calm
part, often completely formless; it has been hurt irritation patience
once, and is then forced out and buried. Having
been released from defensive survival patterns, Dejection indifference Rejoicing, Mourning hope
the soul becomes open and susceptible to the laziness acceptance
voice of conscience, which is symbolized by the paralysis compassion
whips in the girl’s hands. The final stage in the void
transformation of Prince Lindworm – bathing boredom
him in milk and holding him in her arms – im- vanity
plies a healing environment, loving and com- gloom
passionate, which is a required platform for any Despondency despair Sobriety activity
healing process. helplessness vigilance
powerlessness attentiveness
The creative process depression sanity
At the stage following the symbolic interpretati- insecurity doubt
on, it was suggested to the participants that they despair
find and describe their own skins and shifts. oppression
It was no easy task to address their own inner fear
reality, which included recognition, naming, cowardice
describing traumatic symptoms, and morally guilt
assessing them. To recognize a traumatic ex- Vainglory stiffness Humility faith
perience as containing immoral features was intrigue loyalty
challenging. Similarly, the defining the shifts as control sincerity
healthy and virtuous ways of responding was falsity
also a hurdle. touchiness
It was likely that the understanding of how the suspicion
shift can be spread on top of the skin would be
even more difficult. To find oneself in the skin Pride delirium Love gratitude
means to find oneself in dissociation. In other stupidity intimacy
words, the process of „covering“ begins with closeness inspiration
restoration of the lost integrity. It includes isolation trust
complex spiritual reactions such as confession, intrigue dignity
remorse, grief and forgiveness; it also requires tampering love of life
courage, effort, will, sobriety, humility and love. distrust care
During the stage of creative personification, perfectionism interest
participants were offered a variety of materials: jealousy creativity
fabrics, paper, threads, needles, laces, ribbons, stubbornness wisdom
paints, jewelry, buttons, and so on. It was neces- fullness
sary to create a thing – symbols of the skin and openness
the shift. joy
Examples of Skins and Shifts Таble 1
Table 1: examples of Skins and Shifts reported by
group) in correlation with passions and virtues.