Page 160 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 3
P. 160
Symbols and content: “A sailor and a sea are symbols of my ответами являются «рубашки», которые
dream and aspiration for it. A boat is my restored dream являются плодами духовной работы человека,
and belief in it gives me direction and achievement. Wind процесс и результат соединения собственных
fills the sail. The colour green is the colour of self-esteem, усилий человека с Божественной благодатью.
trust to myself, self-assertion; I follow my own course to Иными словами «рубашки» - это плоды Духа,
the point of destination. When I wear this Shift, I can ea- которые открывают человеку путь к спасению.
sily fulfill any of my plans or projects, because I am not Самосознание человека, сотворенного по образу
afraid to make an attempt”. Божиему, невозможно без его нравственного
самосознания. Нравственное самосознание
Conclusion представлено на всех трех уровнях личности:
The given examples illustrate the treatment of dissociati- на духовном уровне (где оно переживается
on and personal traumatic distortions through symbolic как плоды Духа), на психологическом
representation of the emotional, spiritual and body sta- (эмоциональные и когнитивные состояния
tes of a traumatized person. The correlation of traumatic соответствующие плодам Духа) и телесном
perversions with passions and deeds of the flesh draw a (плоды Духа, переживаемые как телесные
person into a domain of moral judgment. Through self- состояния). Работа со «шкурами» и
awareness and restoring the damaged wholeness, the par- «рубашками» восстанавливает связи между
ticipants discovered that a source of inner corruption and всеми тремя уровнями, восстанавливая
subjection to the passions is a loss of meaning and a rejec- личностную целостность, и позволяет человеку
tion of their image of God. This meant for them that eve- восстановить нравственное самосознание,
ry human choice concerning themselves and their life is a нарушенное травмой.
response to the question, “Who am I as God’s creation?”
The Skins representing such moral states as greed, apathy,
depression and envy are the symbols of the deeds of the
flesh. According to Christian Tradition, “flesh” is not the
same as “body”. The term flesh signifies whatever within
us is sinful or opposed to God, and refers not only to the
body, but to the soul, which has become fleshly and car-
nal in fallen man. Symbolic interpretation of the Skins
presents the deeds of the flesh as inner emotional and spi-
ritual reality, to which a person can objectively relate and
create a personal moral answer coming from the image of
God inside them. Symbolically these answers are repre-
sented as the Shifts – the fruit of personal spiritual creati-
ve work, the process and the result of collaboration of hu-
man efforts with God’s grace (synergy). In other words,
to wear the Shifts mean to live according to the fruit of
the Spirit, which open to a person the path for salvation.
Self-awareness of oneself as a person created in the image
of God is impossible without moral self-awareness. Moral
self-awareness is represented on all three levels of a per-
son: spiritual (experienced as the fruit of the Spirit), psy-
chological (emotional and cognitive states corresponding
to the fruit of the Spirit) and bodily (the fruit of the Spi-
rit, experienced as bodily states). Creative exploration of
the symbols of the Skins and the Shifts restores the con-
nection between all these levels, thus reviving personal
wholeness and allowing the reconstruction of moral self-
awareness which was corrupted by psychological trauma.