Page 135 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 3
P. 135
Christian Psychotherapy
to „The specifics of a Christian Or-
thodox psychotherapy and consul-
ting: Contemplations (Reflections)
of a Christian psychologist“
Anna Ostaszewska
It is really great impression to see how Christian psycho-
logy and psychotherapy develop in Russia. The article
presents not only author’s point of view but also ideas Anna Ostaszewska, Psychotherapist,
of other Russian psychologists from publications since supervisor, European Certificate of
1995. Psychotherapy (ECP) Place of praxis:
Association of Christian Psychologists’
Olga Krasnikowa presents basic values and anthropolo- Psychological Centre. President of the
gical assumptions of Christian psychotherapy. The ba- ACP Psychotherapy Section. ACP Pre-
sic values are presented in a very clear way – we could sident in years 1995- 2009
say: perfectly. What I like the most in this article is great
respect to a person deeply rooted in Christian view of
human being. There is a hope that in psychotherapeutic
praxis this respect will be significantly experienced by
a client and it will help in his/ her openness and disco-
vering himself.
The author presents important elements of ally moving in the following directions: - distinguishing
psychotherapist’s attitude and therapeutic relationship. the spiritual and psychological states…” How does it look
The approach has many elements similar to other psycho- like in praxis? Is it talking about spiritual states? Other
therapy schools especially to humanistic therapy what is example: “The therapist and the client receive support
written openly. Only spiritual perspective makes signifi- and assistance from outside. In spiritually-focused psy-
cant difference. Even the same elements but in spiritual chotherapy both the therapist and the client (if he is a
perspective can become a little different than in secular believer) hope and pray for such God-given support and
psychotherapy. Of course it is difficult to describe so de- help”. Does it mean that they pray together loudly during
licate differences which may arise when using a spiritual a psychotherapy session?
Olga Krasnikowa uses a term “spiritually - focused psy-
Subject “the specifics of a Christian psychotherapy” is chotherapy” which, as she writes, is used in Russia. Such
very wide and it is not fully described in any literature in a title can lead to misunderstanding because it suggests
the world yet. We have to remember that Christian psy- that therapy is concentrated mainly on spiritual aspects
chology and psychotherapy is at the beginning of its de- of human life. When riding how she describes the the-
velopment. Also Olga Krasnikowa admit that at present rapy we may find that spiritual approach lays mainly in
“there are more questions than answers”. anthropological assumptions not in special therapeutic
“focus”. In the present western literature a term “spiritu-
When we try to find “the specifics of a Christian psycho- ally oriented psychotherapy” is used and this is different.
therapy” we need to describe not only psychotherapist’ Western authors write also about “integrating spiritual or
attitude but also concept of genesis of disorders, concept religious perspective into psychotherapy” what says that
of healing process and specific techniques. I really hope spiritual perspective is an added element to the traditio-
that Olga Krasnikowa will write about this in future pu- nal psychotherapy but it is not the only one.
blications. In the presented article she writes about value
of experience in our life but does not mention about trau- Christian psychology and psychotherapy is at the be-
matic experiences in childhood which are often a sour- ginning of its development but we have to start from
ce of patients’ problems. Maybe we may assume that the something, of course. In future it is needed to specify
healing process in Christian psychotherapy has the same differences (“the specifics of a Christian psychotherapy”)
elements as in any other therapeutic process. Maybe the- when comparing with other psychotherapy. But we need
re is no big difference. But probably there are also specific also describe what is similar or the same to avoid misun-
healing factors which should be described. For example: derstanding.
“In spiritually-focused psychotherapy the client is gradu-