Page 103 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 2
P. 103

Christian Psychology alive

             Here are the impressions of a participant of Bibliodrama
             in the Holy Land:
             «Bibliodrama appeared to me very interesting but also
             challenging and hard work, that allowed me to compre-
             hend my inner world and those of other people, thereby
             promoting acceptance and reconciling. It has helped to
             expand the boundaries of my vision, discard illusions,
             and I hope to move on a route that Lord Himself had in-

             The leaders of Bibliodrama groups at the Institute of
             Christian Psychology – Fr. Andrey Lorgus and Victor Se-
             menov – are stating the following psychological and
             spiritual  objectives:

             •   Get answers to questions of religious and spiritual
                life, which, sooner or later, people begin to ask them-
             •   Correlate personal life situations with the events and
                experiences of people in the Bible stories.
             •   Show the unity of the spiritual experiences of hu-   Olga Krasnikova, Russia, psychologist, head of
                mankind, feelings, concerns and hopes.                the psychological centre “Sobesednik”, assistant
             •   For the professionals – psychologists, educators, ca-  rector at the Institute of Christian Psychology,
                techists – participation in Bibliodrama allows them:
             •   To get acquainted with the opportunities of the psy-
                chodramatic method in the study of Bible stories.
             •   To receive advice in application of thematic trai-
                ning groups experience to psychological and social

             I am encouraged by the fact that more and more people
             are discovering the need for self-knowledge and spiritual
             growth, over and over trying to find themselves in order
             to realize more fully their personal potential. Following
             this path, many people come to God and begin to study
             Scripture, to relate the Word of God to their lives, to seek
             answers to seemingly unanswerable questions.

             In order to make this search process more creative some
             people attend the Bibliodramatic groups - this is one of
             the numerous opportunities that I personally really like.

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