Page 125 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 125

Wordless,  but  from  a  deep  knowing,  God  is   heb en nog steeds leer door het leven, in het bi-
             confirming by His Spirit that I am His precious   jzonder tijdens allerlei moeilijke omstandighe-
             child: His creation, saved by Him, His beloved,   den.
             guided and guarded by Him. There and then I
             am not distracted by people, work, to do lists    Nogmaals, ik kan gemakkelijk afgeleid en ge-
             etc.                                              strest  raken,  maar  zodra  ik  alleen  ben  in  de
                                                               stilte van een goede wandeling, kalmeer ik en
             I am very privileged to have grown up in een      ervaar ik die kostbare Goddelijke sereniteit - in
             warm,  stable  Christian  family.  My  parents    de aanwezigheid van IK BEN. Dat is mijn vei-
             taught me to have a personal relationship with    lige plek.
             God and to walk with Him. On that firm foun-
             dation I grew up and my relationship with God
             the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit has de-
             veloped and deepened over the past four deca-
             des. He gives me a peace, joy, and safety that I
             cannot explain in words. It‘s real, it‘s strong, it‘s
             necessary and it‘s always there, I have learned
             and I still learn through life, especially under all
             hard circumstances.

             Again,  I  can  easily  get  both  distracted  and
             stressed, but as soon as I enter the stillness of
             a good walk on my own, I calm down and ex-
             perience that precious Devine serenity - in the
             presence of I AM. That‘s my safe place.

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