Page 123 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 123

This has clicked with me in a new way because I   a conoscere Dio e a riporre la mia fiducia in Lui
             have been realizing that one of the things I cra-  mi ha aiutato ed aiuta a superare le mie paure.
             ve most deeply is safety. For a long time I have
             tried to control things around me, to be perfor-  Personalmente,  fidarmi  di  Dio  significa  con-
             mance oriented, trying to be perfect.             tinuare a rivolgermi a Lui, creando quel senti-
                                                               mento di fiducia e sicurezza, con la consapevo-
             I have discovered that I can trace this need for   lezza che qualcuno si preoccupa per me e che
             safety back to the time of my childhood when      Dio stesso diventa il mio posto sicuro!
             my  parents  got  divorced.  It  felt  like  the  earth
             disappeared  under  my  feet.  Everything  was
             chaotic, I felt powerless and there was nothing
             I could do about my parents‘ situation. I grew
             up fast taking responsabilities as a “small adult”
             without experiencing the healthy development
             of a child. I developed protection mechanisms
             against my fears. I would try to be perfect and
             control the world around me so I would not feel
             Even in spite of these things, learning every day
             to know God and to put my trust in God has
             helped me to overcome my fears. For me, tru-
             sting God means to continue to turn to Him,       Pensare, vedere e immaginare di essere sdraiata
             and away from the naysayers. Trust in God for     su un‘amaca mi aiuta molto a trovare il mio po-
             me is a feeling of confidence and security that   sto sicuro (naturalmente l‘amaca è una metafo-
             someone cares about me that God Himself is        ra). L‘amaca è Dio. Mi sento al sicuro quando mi
             my safe place!                                    appoggio a Dio, non devo fare nulla, posso esse-
                                                               re semplicemente me stessa, lasciando andare le
             Thinking, seeing and imagining I‘m lying in a     mie paure, rilassandomi in pace ricevendo nuo-
             hammock helps me a lot to find my safe place      ve forze ed energie, sapendo che l‘amaca è il mio
             (of  course  the  hammock  is  a  metaphor).  The   Dio, mio Padre, che mi sostiene, mi protegge e
             hammock  is  God.  I  feel  safe  when  I  lean  on   combatte al posto mio. Solo Lui può soddisfare
             God. I feel like I do not have to do anything. I   il mio profondo desiderio di sicurezza!
             can just be myself. I do not need to use energy
             to do anything. I can let go of my fears and I can   L‘esperienza di Dio giornaliera nella mia vita,
             peacefully relax because I know that the ham-     nel corso degli anni, ha cambiato il mio modo
             mock is My God who supports me, protects me,      di vivere. Sono sempre molto più rilassata e pa-
             fights and works in my place.                     cifica, affidandomi sempre meno ai miei mecca-
                                                               nismi di protezione.
             Only he can satisfy my deep craving for securi-
             ty, he can calm my fears. Over the years I have   In conclusione di questo breve articolo, vorrei
             grown and I can find much peace and security      soffermarmi con la Scrittura che ha parlato al
             in God, relying less to my protection mechanis-   mio cuore nel corso degli anni: “Io dico al Si-
             ms. Experiencing God in my life has changed       gnore: Tu sei il mio rifugio e il mio luogo di si-
             my perspective and I am much more relaxed.        curezza; il mio Dio in cui confido” Salmo 91:2

             I would like to conclude this short article with
             the scripture that has spoken to my heart over
             the  years:  “This  I  delcare  about  the  Lord:  He
             alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my
             God, and I trust Him” - Ps 91:2

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