Page 55 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 55
Andrey Lorgus (Russia)
Comment to
„Evil Rumors” Andrey Lor-
gus - psy-
gist, Ortho-
„The article by Nicholas DiFonzo addresses the dox priest,
spiritual dimension of the problem of „rumors“ E M C AP P
perception, specifically, their assessment from B o a r d
the point of view of a person who is trusting the member, rector of the Institute of Chri-
Bible. A believer, more specifically, a Christian - stian Psychology (Moscow), the first
such a person is considered by DiFonzo, builds Dean of Psychology Faculty at St. John
his attitude to the world and everything in it, as the Divine Russian Orthodox Univer-
an observer located on the axis Man – God. This sity (2002 – 2008); counseling psycho-
axis provides a person meta-position where dif- logist, lecturer of psychology and an-
ferent meanings and relationships are possible. thropology. Heading the ICP Online
This position allows us to see the event, or ima- Department of „distance education“.
ginary event (rumor) in the ultimate God-man Research interests: Personality psycho-
perspective, when any threat (if the rumor is logy and Family psychology.
threatening) can be understood as a divine ge- Born in 1956. Graduate of Lomonosov
sture, as the good will of God the Father. In this Moscow state University (1982), Facul-
position, a person is not seized with fear and his ty of psychology.
anxiety can decrease and develop into ordinary
attention to the world and all what is in it.
Former contributions in our eJournal
by Andrey you can see her:
However, the author emphasizes that this per-
spective, unlike „rumor“ requires a personal,
not a social position. That is, a personal refle-
xive and sober position. And this demands the
skill of spiritual sobriety, self-organisation and
Sobriety and reflection, in contrast to the or-
dinary consciousness, which is susceptible to
rumors and gossip, are based on a personal
approach, as opposed to a socially oriented ap-
proach. The more a person is absorbed by the
influence of his reference group, the more he is
subject to the fears and anxieties that „rumors“
bring. The more mature and experienced peop- the individual, which is inversely proportional
le are more resistant to rumors and pseudo-th- to the social dependence. Spiritual maturity
reats. opens a deep and full-flowing channel to the
Thus, personal stress tolerance depends on the world of the Bible, its eternal experience and
spiritual maturity and religious experience of blessing.