Page 53 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 53

Miller, 2004). The idea is that animals that did   texts. Stress is a part of the pruning process, an
             not stress in the face of danger did not survive to   instance  of  fatherly  discipline  for  our  benefit.
             pass on their genes. The physiological pathways   To cope with evil rumors, bad reports, and un-
             for such appraisals are often cast as the (leftover   welcome  news,  Scripture  and  recent  research
             from pre-historic periods but now problematic)    suggest that a deep awareness of God’s good-
             causal circuitry of stress, for example, as when   ness, power, and knowledge leads to decreases
             threat appraisals “…originate in brain systems    in worry and stress.
             that also control physiological stress reactions   The dimensions of a Christian psychology ap-
             in the body.” (Gianaros & Wager, 2015, p. 313).   proach to rumor suggest mechanisms for how
             Stress is thus typically understood as a conse-   decreases in stress occur. Bad news can be in-
             quence of threat appraisal within a naturalistic   terpreted  within  a  biblical  surround,  in  full
             evolutionary and adaptive frame.                  view of the Scriptural theme that God has all
                                                               things  under  control.  Evil  rumors  can  be  set
             Conclusion                                        within the “God is good” narrative frame, fitted
             Rumors may or may not be stressful, depending     within a larger story that God “has my welfare
             on one’s “felt” worldview. In this article, I explo-  in mind.” Evil tidings can be considered in light
             red the link between rumors and stress from the   of their possible origins and intent to discou-
             perspective of Christian vs. modern psycholo-     rage or provoke distrust, cognizant that earth
             gy.  The  modern  psychological  understanding    is situated in a spiritual war zone. Fear rumors
             of the rumor-stress link is naturalistic throug-  can be received in view of the available choice
             hout. Rumor is a collective, and stress is an in-  options; we can be informed yet not alarmed,
             dividual, adaptive threat detection mechanism     even about terrible “wars and rumors of wars.”
             that  arose  out  of  a  materialistic  evolutionary   Indeed, Jesus commanded his disciples to not
             heritage. The use of the word “stress” draws its   be alarmed (Matt. 24:6). To this final thought,
             intended  meanings  from  material  and  engi-    Matthew  Henry’s  commentary  on  this  verse
             ne mechanics. Thus modern psychology links        continues to be as fitting now as when it was
             rumors and stress as collective and individual    first penned:
             survival signals. Coping with stress and fear ru-  “See  that  ye  be  not  troubled.  Is  it  possible  to
             mors would then seem to be a zero-sum game        hear such sad news, and not be troubled? Yes,
             in  which  the  material  must  receive  reinforce-  where the heart is fixed, trusting in God, it is
             ments,  or  the  force  applied  must  be  reduced.   kept in peace, and is not afraid, no not of the
             Alternately, the threat detection mechanism has   evil tidings of wars. Be not put into confusion
             become  too  sensitive  and  thus  “maladaptive.”   or commotion; see that ye be not. There is need
             Therapy then involves threat reappraisal as “ir-  of constant care and watchfulness to keep trou-
             rational.”                                        ble from the heart, but it is against the mind of
             From  a  Christian  psychology  approach,  ru-    Christ,  that  his  people  should  have  troubled
             mors  are  information  and  stories  interpreted   hearts, even in troublous times.” (Henry, Scott,
             and non-deterministically responded to within     & Stokes, 1833, p. 145).
             theological narrative and spiritual warfare con-

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