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of this report but I will not be alarmed”).       coping (Walker & Blaine, 1991).
             To  bring  this  Christian  psychology  of  rumor   Rumors have been linked to psychological stress
             and  stress  into  sharper  relief,  I  next  describe   and strain in a couple of ways. First, rumors of
             modern psychological conceptualizations of ru-    potential threat may lead to stress. For examp-
             mor and stress. Modern psychology conceives       le,  systematic  categorization  of  rumors  circu-
             of rumors as part of adaptive collective threat   lating  among  hospital  employees  undergoing
             appraisal, and stress as part of adaptive indivi-  major changes (e.g., in infrastructure, staffing,
             dual threat appraisal.                            management,  technology)  were  predominant-
                                                               ly negative; hearing these negative, vs. hearing
             Collective and Individual Threat Detection        positive, rumor predicted change-related stress
             Modern  psychology  understands  rumor  as        (Bordia,  Jones,  Gallois,  Callan,  &  Difonzo,
             unsubstantiated  information  that  circulates    2006).  In  addition,  stress  may  lead  to  rumor
             in  service  of  collective  attempts  to  adaptively   discussion.  In  a  meta-analysis  of  research  on
             cope with uncertainty and deal with perceived     antecedents of rumor transmission, anxiety and
             risk (Bordia, DiFonzo, & Chang, 1999). When       uncertainty—both  of  which  are  psychological
             a community faces the perplexing event (e.g.,     states  closely  linked  to  stress—most  strongly
             how  could  our  president  be  assassinated  by  a   predicted rumor transmission (Rosnow, 1991).
             lone gunman?) people discuss rumors to make       Modern psychology’s contention that rumors of
             sense of the matter. Making sense (i.e., under-   threat (i.e., fear rumors) are stressful is not sur-
             standing)  is  seen  as  evolutionarily  adaptive   prising,  because  modern  psychology  concep-
             (Fiske, 2018). When communities face a poten-     tualizes stress as an adaptive response to threat
             tially threat (e.g., the exponential spread of the   at the level of the individual. Modern psycho-
             coronavirus, (J. Cohen, Feb. 19, 2020), people    logy understands stress primarily using meta-
             share  rumors  to  prepare  against  danger;  this,   phors from material and machine mechanics.
             of course, is also adaptive. When reliable news   Materials (e.g., steel) are stressed when force is
             is absent, perceived as partisan, or inconsistent   applied to them; too much force and the mate-
             (e.g.,  when  newspapers  are  state-controlled;   rial deforms or fails. A related concept, strain,
             Bauer  &  Gleicher,  1953),  people  improvise    is  the  relative  degree  of  deformation  in  the
             news; this is rumor (Shibutani, 1966). Conside-   stressed  material.  Machines  are  also  stressed
             red this way, rumors function as a way that a     when they cannot perform as designed because
             group makes sense of the unexplained, and de-     of excessive work demands (e.g., engines can-
             tect and deal with threat.                        not  achieve  their  rated  rotation  speeds  when
             Threats may be tangible, as when lives, liveli-   moving excessive loads). Using the materialist
             hoods, health, or safety are endangered. Rumors   mechanics  frame  combined  with  naturalistic
             abound in the midst of natural disasters (Prasad,   evolutionary  adaptation,  psychological  stress
             1935), organizational changes affecting job se-   “occurs when an individual perceives that en-
             curity (DiFonzo, Bordia, & Rosnow, 1994), and     vironmental demands tax or exceed his or her
             when children become autistic for no apparent     adaptive capacity.” (S. Cohen, Janicki-Deverts,
             reason (Jolley & Douglas, 2014). Threats may      & Miller, 2007, p. 1685).
             also be intangible, as when a rumor threatens     The  experience  of  stress  happens  when  over-
             a deeply cherished value (Federico, Williams, &   load occurs in response to threat, presumably
             Vitriol, 2018), or when one’s social group is de-  because all of an organism’s resources must be
             rogated (DiFonzo et al., 2014). Rumors in cases   marshalled for action. Psychological stress then
             involving threat afford coping functions. When    arises when an experience is appraised as th-
             rumors help groups make sense of and prepare      reatening (Gianaros & Wager, 2015). The system
             for a threat, they fulfill a problem-focused co-  is (or at least, was) adaptive; these mechanisms
             ping (Bordia & DiFonzo, 2005). When rumors        are thought to have naturalistically evolved as a
             simply  help  groups  to  understand  an  unavoi-  way for organisms to respond more effectively
             dable  threat,  they  afford  an  emotion-focused   to predation or natural disaster (Segerstrom &

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