Page 94 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 94

Comment to

             “Our body code.                                     Daniel Eytan
                                                                 Living  in  Haifa,
             Deciphering the                                     Israel.  Married  to
                                                                 Lorena  and  hap-
             meaning of body                                     py  father  of  Ha-

             and somatomorphic                                   leli,  Elishay  and
                                                                 Liel.  M.A  Clini-
             manifestations from an                              cal   Psychology,
                                                                 UBA  (University
             integrative perspective“                            of  Buenos  Aires).
                                                                 Working  at  Rambam  Healthcare  Campus,

             by Daniel Eytan (Israel)                            and Acco municipality. Languages: Hebrew,
                                                                 English, Spain and Italian. Member of The
                                                                 Israel Psychological Association.
             I want to comment on what Miguel Ángel Al-
             carria writes about „ The Interrelationships bet-
             ween Mind and Body“, I will try to explain the
             meaning of body and somatomorphic manife-
             stations from an integrative perspective, and I‘ll   The premise of the science of psychology is that
             try to explain my point of view as believer in    there  is  a  lawfulness  in  human  behavior,  and
             Jesus, and clinical and educational psychologist,   that  it  must  document  and  measure  this  law.
             from a Israeli-Jewish background:                 Psychology says that behavior does not occur
             Miguel  Angel  article  start  with:  „Christianity   by accident, but rather is the result of a system
             gives great value to the human body. The rea-     of  laws,  the  understanding  which  laws  allows
             son for this great value lies in the fact that the   us to derive a certain prediction about the fu-
             body, biblically, has a close link with the image   ture. Every field of psychology deals with other
             of God…and we agree with that. Because the        aspects of behavior, and tries to understand it
             creation of man, „the crown of creation,“ is the   through a different focus. Psychology is divided
             culmination and end of the six days of the story   into branches of research, fields of practice and
             of the creation of the biblical world. In the origi-  schools.
             nal Hebrew, we can read from Genesis 2:7 :        The philosopher Plato advocated mental thera-
              וַיִּיצֶר יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים אֶת-הָאָדָם, עָפָר     py of „mental patients“ who have a conflict bet-
             מִן-הָאֲדָמָה,  וַיִּפַּח  בְּאַפָּיו,  נִשְׁמַת   ween the different parts of the psyche through
             חַיִּים; וַיְהִי הָאָדָם, לְנֶפֶשׁ חַיָּה         a philosophical discourse called Platonic Dia-
              Then the LORD God formed man of the dust         logue.
             of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the   The Greek philosopher Aristotle was the first to
             breath of life; and man became a living soul      devote a book to the study of the human psyche.
             The Interrelationships between Mind and Body      René Descartes laid important foundations for
             Miguel Angel continues with a brief historical    modern psychology. Many see the beginnings
             description about psychology and its changes,     of psychology already in the period of ancient
             I intend to remember something that we also       Greece in the thought of Socrates, Plato, Aristot-
             learned  from  Greek  and  Jewish  sources,  long   le and Hippocrates when they raise questions
             before Freud appeared, and as also from ancient   such as the essence of human soul, conscious-
             times, how body and soul were related.            ness and ways of behavior. Hippocrates begins
             Psychology is a field of social science that deals   his book by having three persons: natural, vi-
             with the study of the mind, perception and be-    tal, and intellectual. In Plato (427 / 8-347 BC),
             havior, and its purpose is to investigate and to   the soul as an entity occupies a central place;
             deal with (using different psychological techni-  for him the soul is divided into three compon-
             ques) human and animal behaviors.
                                                               ents: rational, emotional, and instinctual, with
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