Page 89 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 89
Comment to Kra sni kova
“The trauma of body and Olga (Russia,
mind in female genital co un s e lin g
mutilation/ (since 1996),
cutting (FGM/C): psy c h o log y
Christian anthropological (since 1999),
and therapeutic ticipant, rector
assistant at the
perspectives“ Institute of Christian Psychology in Mo-
scow (since 2009). She was born and lives
by Olga Krasnikova (Russia) in Moscow, has graduated from the facul-
ty of psychology of Lomonosov Moscow
state University (1988-1999). She appears
Beginning to read the article by Ulla Dallen, I in scientific and popular videos dedicated
could not even imagine what emotional chal- to various psychological problems, par-
lenge it would turn for me. But I am grateful ticipates as an expert in radio and TV-
to Ulla for her courage to explore and draw pu- programs, conducts workshops on spiri-
blic attention to such a complicated and pain- tually- oriented psychological counseling
ful item as FGM. I was aware of the problem for psychologists. The author of 5 books,
before, but have never realized its full scope numerous publications in scientific and
and consequences. Considering the research popular journals, on the Internet portals.
conducted by Ulla Dallen, I thought that our
unwillingness to immerse into traumatic expe- Former articles:
riences connected with violence, our refusal
to openly discuss some taboo items, as well as
ignoring the feelings associated with the terrib-
le experience, brings us to some kind of tacit
consent that all this is common thing to happen
and can go on further .
While giving publicity to this problem, we attain husband’s and family comfort, dominating in
the chance to question the „normativity“ of the marital relations and opportunity to manipula-
violence committed against small and teenage te a woman. This tradition is somewhat similar
girls, to dispel the myth that by mutilating the to castration not for the Kingdom of heaven,
body and soul, it is possible to make someone but for the sake of profit, which is considered to
better. All that is causing irreversible harm to a be a sin according to the Gospel (Matt. 19:12).
woman’s physical and mental health is unlikely
to help her become a calm, quiet and good wife.
In contrast to actions condemned by the socie-
ty – such as sexual or child abuse, FGM, which
From the Christian point of view, violence is essentially the same abuse, is considered by
against a person, causing harm with irreparab- many as a simple custom, a tradition caring for
le consequences for the body and soul, for the family values (peace and calmness at home).
sake of „convenience“ for other people or in the The article pays special attention to the power
interests of tradition is unacceptable. And the of social cultural and family attitudes that make
tradition of FGM is preserved not for spiritu- impossible to resist violence. Therefore, it is so
al purposes, but due to family stereotypes: the
important to conduct further research on the