Page 95 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 95

mental illness perceived as a conflict and a rup-  that learning philosophy itself would not make
             ture between the different parts of the psyche.   a person, and the main path must be in practice
             It must be treated through the philosophy and     in corrective action, which means doing deeds
             knowledge of the truths of being by means of a    of  the  desired  nature,  so  that  the  actions will
             Platonic dialogue.                                leave their mark on the soul.
             His  most  famous  student,  Aristotle  (384-322   He  also  believed  that  the  correct  mapping  of
             BCE), wrote the „first book of psychology“ („On   the middle path exists in the mitzvot of the To-
             the soul“), in which he classified all being into   rah,  which  aim  to  bring  man  into  balance  in
             matter and form, and saw the human soul as        all aspects of his soul… and the list is endless
             the „form“ of man. The animals of the creatures   about  ideas,  theories,  books  and  techniques
             are in the form of a pyramid, in which the hu-    about psychology and its individual or collec-
             man soul stands above the animal mind, which      tive application.
             stands above the plant‘s vegetative personality.   And it takes me to remember, and it takes me
             In Aristotle‘s opinion there is a sixth sense, the   to remember and compare, (perhaps in a more
             „common sense,“ which is the sense that pro-      dynamic thinking) the book of James when he
             cesses  all  stimuli  which  are  transmitted  from   says, „As the body without the spirit is dead, so
             the five senses into significant information. Ari-  faith without deeds is dead“ But the truth is that
             stotle saw in the middle way that man adopts      referring  to  the  „Scriptures“  we  can  see  both
             „middle“ mental qualities that move away from     in the old and new testament a „phrase“ that
             the  extreme  manifestations  of  traits.  The  best   encapsulates the monotheistic essence of Juda-
             that the ethical person must adopt through his    ism: „Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the
             personal education.                               LORD  is  one“  (Hebrew:  שְׁמַע  יִשְׂרָאֵל
             Maimonides  (1138-1204),  one  of  the  greatest   ‚הוה אֱלֹהֵינוּ‘ הוה אֶחָֽד:), found in Deute-
             Jewish poskim (Jewish legal authority ), a philo-  ronomy 6: 4.
             sopher and physician, stated in his introduction   Observant Jews consider this word (Shema Is-
             to Tractate Avot, that the human soul is a uni-   rael)  to be the most important part of the pray-
             tary entity, and only has different manifestati-  er service in Judaism.
             ons, and therefore the vitality of the human soul   And the most observant of them all, who could
             spreads over the entire human body. He belie-     really  fulfill  all  the  writing,  reminds  us  on
             ved that man‘s biological power is different from   Matthew 22:37: „‘Love the Lord your God with
             the biological forces of animals, and he believed   all your heart and with all your soul and with all
             that man was born as a smooth, but willing to     your mind“
             accept certain tendencies, influenced in his opi-  I hope that we will be able to make this text, like
             nions and actions mainly by his friends and the   Him, every day in order to balance body and
             customs of his people. He argued, against Plato,   soul, and to illuminate its light through us.

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