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of the body, well-meaning persons may unin-       lationships, and the church rather than live in
             tentionally  re-traumatize  victims  with  short-  isolation. This work seems to fit well with the
             sighted  directives  or  simplistic  application  of   command to love God and love others.
             Bible verses. Asking someone with a broken leg
             to seek more discipleship rather than medical     I am privileged to see EMDR bring about life
             attention,  is  analogous  to  Christians  disregar-  and connection in parts of a trauma survivor’s
             ding the impact of trauma. We as Christians do    body that once felt wholly disconnected. Per-
             not question the working of the leg in physical   sons who dissociated have grown to feel more
             therapy,  yet  we  find  it  far-fetched  to  consider   connected to God in mind, soul, and strength.
             the brain’s role in healing from trauma.          Reflecting on Jesus’ ministry, I feel at times as
                                                               though I am both encouraging others in their
             This is unfortunate because research shows that   faith and facilitating healing in the body, utili-
             emotional  and  psychological  trauma  impacts    zing EMDR for His glory.
             the same part of the brain as does physical trau-
             ma (Siegel, 2010). Research also tells us that pa-  EMDR is not the be all and end all, just as so-
             ying attention to the body’s emotions, thoughts,   meone who goes to physical therapy may still
             and other internal processes nurtures our abili-  have  a  leg  that  never  quite  feels  or  functions
             ty to pay attention to and empathize with others   the same. We as Christian therapists are faced
             (Siegel, 2010). God designed our bodies for a     with balancing science and faith, with Scripture
             purpose. Paying attention to our body leads to    taking precedence. While there is no reference
             deeper connections in community with others.      to EMDR in the Bible, this form of treatment
                                                               seems to me to be a means of common grace.
             Because  we  are  interconnected  in  body  and   Like medicines that heal diseases, EMDR points
             soul, a careful integration of body and soul is   toward life and not death.
             crucial to my practice as a certified EMDR the-
             rapist. Many people are understandably skepti-    Although an effective form of treatment, EMDR
             cal because questions remain as to the precise    does  not  eliminate  the  sanctification  process
             neurological processes contributing to EMDR’s     or life’s suffering, for that matter. The soul still
             efficacy. But I would challenge: Must we under-   longs for more; it longs for heaven and EMDR
             stand all of its components if it spurs others on   offers no solution for this internal struggle. In
             to whole living? If it is not hindering their faith?  that case, it is vital for EMDR to exist alongside
                                                               spiritual formation if we as believers are to be
             I  have  often  been  asked  if  I  talk  about  Jesus   concerned for both body and soul.
             when I utilize EMDR with my clients. I respond
             to these questions by explaining that it is not un-  Reference List
             common for the inseparable operations of God      Siegel, D. J. (2010). Mindsight: The new science
             to appear in imagery as Father, Son or Holy Spi-  of  personal  transformation.  New  York,  NY:
             rit in a client’s processing, quite separate from   Bantam Books.
             anything I have said to integrate spiritual for-
             mation into the overall therapeutic experience.   van  der  Kolk,  B.  (2014).  The  Body  Keeps  the
                                                               Score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of
             I  can  attest  that  in  my  experience  utilizing   trauma. New York, NY: Viking Penguin.
             EMDR, Jesus shows up – even in the deepest
             parts of our soul and body. It appears to be the
             Trinitarian  God  moving  in  the  unconscious
             parts of my clients as they process their most    childabuseandneglect/acestudy/about.html
             painful traumas. A client’s story of abuse may
             end  in  Jesus  holding  them,  God  reassuring
             them they are not alone, or holding hands with
             them on a playground. EMDR has given per-
             sons the ability to re-engage in community, re-
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