Page 110 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 110
Comment to
“EMDR and the body in Colleen Ramser is
Christian therapy” a Licensed Profes-
sional Counselor
(LPC) specializing
by Colleen Ramser (USA) in the treatment of
complex trauma.
She is certified in
A proper understanding of the body is crucial EMDR and has
to our everyday journey as Christians, particu- over 10 years’ ex-
larly as it relates to trauma. As a certified EMDR perience in clinical counseling and ministry.
therapist and a trauma survivor who has experi- She speaks on trauma and trains clinical coun-
enced EMDR, I can offer a personal account as selors, pastors and lay persons in the areas of
to how this form of treatment impacts the body Trauma Informed Care and Domestic Abuse.
and the soul. She owns her own private practice in Louisvil-
le, KY where the integration of trauma, theo-
As Van der Werf mentions, the body has been logy and spiritual formation in counseling is a
viewed negatively through much of Christian passion of hers.
history. I see remnants of this belief in clients
who struggle with how much attention to pay
to “self” leading to similar concerns I have in
some Christian institutions. The body is viewed
as the avenue to destruction and therefore can-
not be trusted. While this is certainly possible of
us as permeable beings, we must acknowledge
that the body is also the material host of our
soul, in which we glorify God and move with
both agency and free will. God here on earth. Empirical research shows
us what happens when, conversely, the body is
Van der Werf supports this recognition of the not cared for because trauma has occurred. In
body: We were created in God’s image with a the most severe cases, trauma disrupts the part
body (Genesis 1:26-28), God the Son took on of the brain that registers our sense of self and
the fullness of human nature (body and soul) leads to symptoms associated with Dissociative
and became Jesus of Nazareth, the God-man Identity Disorder. The self fragments into many
(John 1:14, Philippians 2:6-8)), and God will personalities in order to cope with the intensity
one day resurrect our own physical bodies of the trauma. We know from observing brain
(John 5:28-29). Consider also Genesis 2:18-25, imaging of individuals with Post Traumatic
in which God chose to form Eve from Adam’s Stress Disorder that the body is responding as
physical body and the narrative focuses on their it should: a normal response to an abnormal
being “naked and not ashamed.” In 1 Corinthi- event (van der Kolk, 2014). The Adverse Child-
ans 6:12-20, we find a clear command to use our hood Experiences Study then shows the long-
bodies for God’s purposes and glory. Throug- term negative health effects of such traumas on
hout Scripture, Jesus was concerned not only the body. As Christians who seek to understand
with the formation of souls but with the healing and integrate both body and soul, it seems logi-
of sick bodies (Matthew 9:35, John 9:6-7, Luke cal to incorporate a treatment like EMDR that
17:12-16). specifically addresses these bodily realities.
If God has designed our bodies for a purpose, Divorced from a comprehensive understanding
then care for the body must be part of glorifying