Page 14 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 6
P. 14
ground between Christian and naturalist psy- References
chology than in his masterpiece ‘Foundations Johnson, E. L. (2007). Foundations for Soul Care.
for Soul Care’ (2007). He calls many cognitive Downer’s Grove: InterVarsity Press.
Johnson E.L. (2010). Psychology & Christianity, Five
and social processes ‘mechanistic’ (Neuropsy- views. Downer’s Grove: InterVarsity Press.
chology, perception, memory and more). Per- Stenmark, M. (1995). Rationality in Science, Religion and
sonally I think he is a bit too lenient here. Com- Everyday Life: A Critical Evaluation of Four Models of
mon grounds of study: yes. But unity of questi- Rationality. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press.
on, of decision of research design, of interpreta-
tor: no, not even in these fields. The worldviews
are decisive all the time, as Johnson showed so
beautifully in his book.
Another difference from earlier work is the
appeal to postmodernism, Johnson no longer
makes it in this article. Up to now this was posed
as an opportunity for different worldviews and
thus for Christian Psychology. He does advoca-
te a pluralistic education and mental health sy-
stem in this article again. It is puzzling me: why
has he dropped the appeal to postmodernism
now? Did he change because he sees more the
dangers in postmodernism now?
A New Day, 2004, 2013, drawing
Uusi päivä, 2004, 2013, piirustus