Page 18 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 6
P. 18
and helping others. Her works have nurtured omassa paranemisprosessissaan että työvä-
people in art exhibitions, on book covers and lineeksi ihmisten kohtaamisessa ja auttami-
as different installations on prayer paths and as styössä. Hänen työnsä ovat hoitaneet ihmisiä
altars. They have inspired many sermons and taidenäyttelyissä, kirjojen kansissa ja erilaisina
spiritual teachings as well as poems. Now they installaationa rukouspoluilla ja alttareina. Ne
can be a blessing to the readers of The EMCAPP ovat inspiroineet monia saarnoja, hengellisiä
Journal in different parts of the world. opetuksia ja runon kirjoittajia. Nyt ne saavat
siunata EMCAPPin Journalin lukijoita eri puo-
lilla maailmaa.
If you want to know more about Finland and Finnish people and understand us
better, you can see more about Finnish perseverance (sisu as we call it): =TJMWkdTZW-U
snow swimming competition
You have heard that Finnish is a difficult and complicated language. Here is a little fortaste of it:
Finnish people used to describe Finland with three S’s: SAUNA, SISU and SIBELIUS.
You are welcome to get to know Sibelius, too:
or UQYZw
Northern lights are something foreigners want to see in Finland.
To find out more about typical, beautiful or perhaps strange things about Finland, see