Page 177 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 177

Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute

            tortions of what was intended to be. Otherwise     VOICE
            what is to prevent us from presenting as healthy   The  following  concepts  have  come  out  of  my
            something that is merely a particular version of   work  with  trauma  survivors.    As  you  know,
            fallenness which either appeals to us or in some   trauma results in silence, isolation and helples-
            manner matches our own experience?  Do we          sness.  Conversely, redemptive healing restores
            really think that theories based on such narcis-   voice, relationship and power as the character
            sistic thinking could truly result in a full and   of God is demonstrated in the flesh by the ca-
            clear picture of what it means to be human?        regiver.
            Based on the premise that a true Christian psy-    The concept of voice has fascinated me for many
            chology is grounded in the knowledge and un-       years.  My clinical work with trauma is what ori-
            derstanding of the person of the Son of Man,       ginally drove me to think about and study the
            Christ Jesus, we will consider some aspects of     idea of voice.  I have spent thousands of hours
            what it means to be human through the grid of      with those who have been oppressed, silenced
            that study.  We will look briefly at the concepts   and crushed by indescribable atrocities.  Having
            of voice, of relationship, of power and emotions.     spent hours with those who were initially mute,
            These are rich concepts and we will unfortuna-     I wanted very much to understand the patho-
            tely only be able to give superficial attendance   logical  results  of  trauma,  particularly  chronic
            to them. They are, I believe, concepts that arise   trauma. I also wanted to learn how to help those
            out of a study of the Word of God written and      who have been profoundly silenced, find voice.
            the  Word  made  flesh.  They  tell  us  something   The concept was initially brought to my atten-
            about what it means to be human concurrent-        tion through feminist writings and even more,
            ly with what it means to be made in the image      through  the  writings  of  Elie  Weisel  regarding
            of God – concepts that I think are, to some de-    his experience of the Holocaust.  I then went
            gree, inseparable. We are considering a partial    to the Scriptures and was captivated by what I
            description,  certainly  not  an  exhaustive  one.     found.  First of all, voice is found throughout
            This presentation is simply meant to give some     the Word of God.  The concept “bookends” as
            thoughts  about  how  an  understanding  of  the   it were, the entire Word, first appearing in Ge-
            person of Christ not only impacts thinking but     nesis 1:3 – “And God said…and there was…” It
            also, for me, profoundly impacts clinical work.    appears many times in Revelation where we are
            One  parenthetical  comment  must  be  added       told that Jesus’ voice was like the sound of many
            before  we  begin.  I  am,  unfortunately,  like  the   waters  (1:15);  we  are  told  in  chapter  19,  “His
            rest of humanity and therefore somewhat ego-       name is called The Word of God;” and then in
            centric in my thinking. My very choice of these    the final closing Revelation ends with the voice
            concepts is rooted in thirty plus years of clini-  of the One who was there in the beginning, te-
            cal experience with trauma survivors, though I     stifying, giving voice to the closing declaration,
            have found them applicable to other people in      “Yes, I am coming quickly” (22:20).
            varying  ways.  However,  had  I  worked  with  a   We  learn  through  the  existence  of  the  Scrip-
            different clinical population or had very diffe-   tures and the entrance of the Son of God into
            rent professional experiences I might be presen-   time that it is the very nature of God to speak,
            ting a very different set of concepts.  Obviously,   to  communicate  His  thoughts  –  His  very  self
            even if we make the study of the Word made         – to others.  Jesus, in being called The Word,
            flesh the foundation for our understanding of      suggests that self-expression is inherent in the
            what it means to be human, we still cannot pre-    godhead.  By nature God is perpetually articu-
            vent the injection of our own experience into      late.  The psalmist tells us “the voice of the Lord
            that thinking. I do not think that is bad.  As a   is  powerful…is  majestic…strikes  with  flashes
            matter of fact I believe our experience is meant   of lightening…shakes the desert” (Ps.29: 4-8).
            to inform us. I do, however, think it crucial to   The voice of God is.  We are created in the image
            recognize both the fact that it does inform us     of one whose voice has not been silent since the
            and, as much as possible, its application to our   dawn of creation and before.

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