Page 176 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 176

Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute

             Diane Langberg (USA)
             The Role of Christ in Psychology

             At  various  points  in  my  professional  life  as  a   that reveals things in others of which they have
             clinician  I  have  had  the  privilege  of  teaching   never  even  conceived.  For  example,  I  know
             different courses in some of the seminaries in    something of fear but I do not know experien-
             the Philadelphia area. One of those courses has   tially the fears of a paranoid personality. When
             been on the theories of personality. Being a per-  I hear someone tell me they are afraid I need to
             ennial clinician, I could not help studying the   find out what that experience is like for them
             lives  and  personalities  of  the  theorists  them-  rather than assume it is just like mine. Egocen-
             selves.  I was quite struck in looking at the li-  tricity runs through clinical practice as much
             ves of Freud, Jung, Rogers, Ellis or B.F. Skinner   as it does theories. We will make many wrong
             by how I could find the seeds of the theory in    assumptions if we are not cognizant of the fact.
             the biography of the man. It is not hard to see   It is my observation that the development of a
             Carl  Rogers’  reaction  against  the  rigidity  and   theory about persons needs an understanding
             harshness of his upbringing in his humanistic     of some existing personality as a basis.  Is it to be
             theory. The formative impact of Victor Frankl’s   mine?  Is it to be the personalities of those with
             concentration camp experience on his logothe-     which I associate? Shall I derive such a theory
             rapy and a will to meaning is even more easily    from  my  clinical  experience  with  patients?  It
             traced. It should, of course, come as no surpri-  is my belief that a true Christian psychology is
             se since none of us really can speak or theorize   based ultimately on the knowledge and under-
             except out of our own experience.  Those theo-    standing of the personality of the Son of Man,
             rists who have so profoundly shaped the field of   Jesus Christ.  We have, in our study of Christ, a
             modern psychology were no exception. That is      rich picture of a whole and healthy human per-
             not problematic so long as we are aware of the    son.  We have a study of man as he was meant to
             egocentricity of the genesis of what we offer as   be in this world. My study of the human beings
             explanations for human personality. There is a    who enter my office must be informed by my
             principle in the Scriptures that seems to apply   study of the person of the Son of Man.
             here: that which proceeds out of the man expo-    A second premise, which leads me to this same
             ses the heart of the man, i.e. tells us something   conclusion, is that I do not think we understand
             about the man.  I think that is as true in the de-  health  and  wholeness  from  the  standpoint  of
             velopment of theories as it is in conversations   disease, but rather the reverse.  It is only as we
             and choices. We must be honest about the fact     comprehend wholeness that we can recognize
             that our own theories are also rooted in some     disease.  I  only  understand  that  a  one-legged
             personality somewhere – if not one of the so-     man is crippled based on my knowledge that
             called greats, then perhaps in our own, or, more   men are meant to have two legs.  The more I un-
             likely, in some hybrid of the two.  Apparently    derstand the function of two legs and the broad
             personality theory needs the framework of an      range  of  activities  and  experiences  open  to  a
             existing personality in order to develop.         two-legged man, the more fully I comprehend
             There is a clinical manifestation of this egocen-  the limitation of having only one leg. Since one
             tricity in our thinking as well. One of the things   of the functions of a theory about persons is to
             I  find  it  repeatedly  necessary  to  teach  young   tell us what is healthy and what is pathological,
             clinicians is the fact that their patients are not   it follows that we need a model of health from
             like them. New clinicians encounter things like   which to judge. Do we really suppose that we
             sadness and assume it is like their sadness or    can derive such a model from fallen creatures?
             fear and think it is similar to their fear.  Or, they   Though you can grasp some idea of wholeness
             hear a word, such as anxious or upset, and as-    from broken pieces, truly the whole is greater
             sume the definition is identical to theirs. They   than  the  sum  of  the  fragments,  particularly
             then  easily  miss  or  are  thrown  by  pathology   when  the  fragments  themselves  may  be  dis-

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