Page 173 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 173

Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute

             Who is GTRI?
             GTRI  is  founded  on  the  expertise  and  living   To get a clearer sense of the heart behind GTRI,
             legacy of Dr. Diane Langberg. A psychologist,     watch this 3 minute video introduction.
             international speaker, and author of numerous
             publications, Dr. Langberg has over three deca-   Since  2009,  Drs  Langberg  and  Monroe  have
             des of clinical practice experience with trauma   been leading counselor and caregiver training
             and trauma recovery.  In Christian counseling     in Rwanda sponsored by World Vision Rwan-
             circles,  Dr.  Langberg  is  known  for  her  books   da and the American Association of Christian
             such as Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse      Counselors. In this project, both Rwandan and
             (2003) and On the Threshold of Hope (1999)        American mental health experts provide inter-
             which  illustrate  her  understanding  of  sexu-  active training related to trauma recovery, mar-
             al  abuse,  trauma,  and  recovery.  Her  most  re-  riage and family, child abuse, and basic counse-
             cent publication is an ebook of meditations for   ling skills.
             counselors as they work in the heaviness of the   Both Drs Monroe and Langberg provide advice
             evil done by and to others (Langberg, 2013). In   and support to the work of prevention of child
             addition to her publications and therapy work,    abuse  in  Christian  contexts  (www.netgrace.
             Dr. Langberg has had the privilege of speaking    org) and also to that of trauma healing through
             to and learning from victims and caregivers in    Scripture engagement with the American Bible
             South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.          Society (

                                                               Educational Opportunities
                                                               GTRI’s main educational offering is a certifica-
                                                               te program of online and on campus training
                                                               equivalent  to  six  credits  of  graduate  training.
                                                               Courses include Introduction to Global Trau-
                                                               ma Recovery, Advanced Global Trauma Reco-
                                                               very Practices, and Facilitating Global Trauma
                                                               Recovery.  The  continuing  education  courses
                                                               provide students the capacity to train and sup-
                                                               port local trauma recovery caregivers.
                                                               Given  the  online  training  format,  GTRI  stu-
                                                               dents hail from the United States, Uganda, In-
                                                               dia, several countries in Europe and the Middle
                                                               East. At the conclusion of the certificate, some
                                                               students will choose to join us in a training and
                                                               listening immersion experience in an interna-
             Dr. Philip Monroe, Professor of Counseling &      tional setting.
             Psychology at Biblical Seminary directs GTRI
             along with other counseling degree and certi-
             ficate programs. His area of expertise includes
             teaching basic and advanced counseling skills,
             sexual  abuse  and  addictions  treatment,  and
             counseling ministry professionals. Dr. Monroe
             leads the development of the GTRI coursework
             and training materials. In addition to his tea-
             ching duties, he maintains an active professio-
             nal counseling blog.

             2 See her website:

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