Page 175 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 175

Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute

             Mike Sheldon (Great Britain)
             Response to the Article by

             Philip Monroe, Trauma Recovery


             Trauma means quite different things to different
             people. At one extreme we have the horrifying
             scene of physical trauma after an accident, whe-
             re  the  injured  are  physically  scarred  for  life,
             but often those who witness the scene and try
             to help are also scarred psychologically. After a
             traumatic death, such as a murder, family and                Mike Sheldon (Great Britain) is an
             friends may be severely affected as the grief and            ex-General Practitioner. For several
             loss can affect psychological balance for a long             years, he and his family worked in
             period of time.                                              the  mission  field  and  in  Christian
             We are increasingly recognising that serious life            Much of his life he has been spent
             events such as trauma affect us as whole peop-               in  the  academic  world,  teaching
             le,  and  so  can  have  adverse  effects  physically,       medical students about the art and
             mentally, socially and spiritually. I suffered one           science  of  General  Practice.  He  is
             serious accident in my life and so was physically            now working mainly in developing
             out of action for several months. But after about            a Christian whole-person approach
             a week I also realised that depression was setting           to health care.
             in and as I surveyed a bleak future this quickly
             led to a spiritual depression where I more or less                 
             ceased functioning on all levels.

             Verbal and psychological abuse and trauma are
             also now recognised as being extremely serious
             in some people, especially the young and vul-     asking for miraculous healing can have severe
             nerable. All people involved in counselling or    un-intended side effects. In a whole-person cli-
             any caring ministry therefore need to be fully    nic I ran I would often deal with people who
             trained  to  recognise  the  whole-person  affects   had felt abused by someone seeking to pray for
             of trauma and be prepared to support and help     them, and when no obvious positive effect was
             recovery, often in a team approach where physi-   witnessed putting the blame onto the sufferer
             cal, psychological and spiritual help are all pro-  for their lack of faith or un-confessed sin.
                                                               The Global Trauma Recovery Institute has been
             In the United Kingdom there is a growing mo-      born  out  of  dealing  with  trauma  in  the  third
             vement to integrate training and practice bet-    world and also with dealing with child abuse in
             ween the medical and social practitioners and     Christian contexts. Training and resources pro-
             those  providing  pastoral  support  within  the   vided by them are informed by practical expe-
             Church. It is also important for those seeking    rience and are a vital resource for all Christians
             to go out into the wider community in a missio-   involved  in  caring  and  healing.  I  can  warmly
             nary role. It is important to recognise that Chri-  recommend their resources and training which
             stians may also inflict trauma themselves when    are essential for all Christians seeking to help
             seeking to help others. Praying for the sick and   and support the suffering and needy.

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