Page 182 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 182

Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute

            are  evident  in  the  Scriptures  from  beginning   hurt or sad.  So no matter how much suffering,
            to end. We see Adam’s joy in his “wow” when        disease or death you encounter, if you are spiri-
            he first saw Eve.  Surely banishment from the      tually mature you will proceed with a cool in-
            garden and the death of Abel resulted in great     difference, demonstrating something of a smile
            grief.  Hope is born in the promise of God to      and nerves of steel.  You do not have to look
            Adam  and  Eve.    Emotions  are  seen  over  and   far in a study of the life and person of Christ to
            over until we get to Revelation and see John’s     see that according to this false standard he has
            tears and finally in chapter 19 we hear the pro-   himself failed miserably.  Scripture records wit-
            mise – no more mourning or crying or pain.         hout any condemnation, his grief, his anger, his
            Emotions have also often been a controversial      tears and his earth-shattering scream from the
            topic among Christians and one I believe, that     cross.  I fear many of us would have asked Jesus
            has been riddled with fallacies.  Those fallacies   to control himself, not make so much noise and
            make it very clear that a careful study of emoti-  to stop drawing attention to him self.
            on in the written Word or in the life of the Son of   Finally, emotions are often seen as the stepchild
            Man has never taken place.  Many people seem       of a human being.  They are not really impor-
            to believe, and there are myriad pop psycholo-     tant and they almost always give you wrong in-
            gy books to nurture this idea, that emotions are   formation.  They do not deserve much attention
            amoral.  They are neither right nor wrong; they    and if you manage everything else right, they
            just are.  People will say things in counseling    will come along by themselves quite nicely.  If
            sessions like: “Well, that is how I feel and you   you do and think the right things, your emo-
            cannot say anything in response.  You just have    tions will get the right idea and join in.  Emo-
            to accept it”.  So I can feel rage or hate or bitter-  tions somehow are believed to be more fallen
            ness and it just is.  There is not a problem in the   than thinking and less reliable.  They should not
            feeling of it; there is only a problem in the acting   be given any credibility and thinking correctly
            on it.  However, the Word makes it clear that all   will “correct” your emotions. Unfortunately it
            aspects of us are riddled with sin and our emo-    is simply not true. You can choose wisely and
            tions are not exception.  They are not more sin-   behave rightly and still have emotions that are
            ful than other aspects of the self, but neither are   difficult to deal with.
            they less.  The Word also makes it very clear that   Somewhere,  hundreds  of  years  ago,  the  early
            we are culpable for what is in the heart, whether   church  came  to  believe  that  God  was  impas-
            or not it ever sees the light of day.              sible – incapable of pain or suffering and not
            Along with that belief many think that emoti-      revealing emotions.  These early church fathers
            ons are uncontrollable.  Somehow we are seen       seemed to believe that if God had emotions He
            as being at the utter mercy of our feelings and    would no longer be tranquil.  The Council in
            must simply wait them out.  Are emotions un-       451 A.D. said that the idea that God could suf-
            predictable? Yes.  Changeable? Yes, but so are     fer was “vain babbling”.  It is not hard to see how
            circumstances.  That is not the same as always     this thinking would lead to some of the above
            uncontrollable.  As  a  Christian,  however,  as   fallacies and the perennial belief that a strong
            much as I am capable, by the power of the Holy     Christian shows little to no emotion in the face
            Spirit, I am not to leave myself at the mercy of   of great tragedy.  But as a study of the Person of
            anything except God Himself.  Surely we belie-     the Son of Man shows us this Jesus was moved
            ve that the indwelling Spirit is capable of trans-  with compassion on many occasions.  He gro-
            forming us emotionally not just behaviorally or    aned – he who was the Word of God uttered
            cognitively.  Surely that aspect of my being is    an inarticulate sound expressing deep pain.  He
            also to reflect the person and character of Jesus   was troubled and agitated.  He wept – a God-gi-
            Christ.                                            ven expression of deep pain for which there are
            Another fallacy quite prevalent among Christi-     no words.  He was angry – angry with the reli-
            an is that emotions, especially those we might     gious leaders, angry with his disciples for kee-
            consider  negative  or  dark,  are  always  sinful.     ping the children away from him and he had a
            People who really know God do not get angry or     violent and angry response to the moneychan-

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