Page 172 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 172
Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute
Phil Monroe (USA)
Introduction and Overview to the Institute
Trauma is the mission field of the 21 century 1
Diane Langberg
Trauma disrupts life, dissolves relationships and and support spiritual and psychological trauma
hinders normal physical and spiritual develop- recovery around the world. GTRI offers a varie-
ment wherever it is experienced. Look closer ty of educational, consultative, and supervisory
at those who are hurting and what you see are learning experiences tailored to lay, professio-
individuals who appear to be the living dead. nal, ministerial, and non-governmental organi-
They move, they speak, they may even work, but zation audiences.
they appear dead inside as one going through
the motions of life. Depending on the moment
you catch them, you may observe passivity or
impulsivity, self-hatred or outright terror. Most
trauma victims feel haunted by their past and
hopeless about the future. Nearly all question
whatever faith they had prior to their traumatic
In the United States and around the world,
many are waking up to the problem of psycho-
social trauma. As a result, many mental health
and ministry workers wish to be better trained Readers might wonder whether psycho-social
to assess the complexities of trauma reactions trauma intervention training fits with the mis-
and provide effective treatment intervention. sion of a seminary since most trauma research
In addition, entire charity organizations look to and training takes place within the settings of
become “trauma-informed” ensuring that their medical schools and universities. Indeed, the
work supports recovery whether they provide seminary trains men and women to be pastors,
medical care, social services, or tangible resour- missionaries, youth leaders, lay leaders, future
ces such as food, water, and housing. academicians, and counselors—to serve wha-
The task of caring for victims of psychosocial tever corner of God’s kingdom he plants them.
trauma around the world requires many ca- In fact the school’s motto is to follow Jesus into
pacities: (a) a love and respect for others, (b) the world. However, one such “corner” in near-
a deep understanding of human suffering and ly every part of the world today is the problem
of God’s care for his image bearers, (c) incre- of trauma. Thus, it makes sense for the Church
asing multicultural intelligence (Goh, Koch, & to able to engage individuals and communities
Sanger, 2008) resulting in (d) humble, flexible struggling with the effects of natural disasters,
intervention styles, (e) awareness of best reco- sexual abuse, ethnic conflicts, war, accidents,
very practices for traumatized individuals and domestic violence and other abuses of power.
communities, and (f) skills for supporting local Care for distressed people is the hallmark of
efforts to recover and rebuild. true Christianity (James 1:27).
The Global Trauma Recovery Institute (GTRI), The quote at the beginning of this introduction
a missional project of Biblical Seminary reminds us trauma care provides the open door
(Greater Philadelphia, PA USA), exists to equip to serve this population but also as an opportu-
and train up trauma-informed Christian men- nity for self-examination.
tal health and ministry leaders able to promote For more on opportunity of trauma as mission
field, see:
1 Listen to Diane Langberg