Page 169 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 169

A Portrait of a Christian Psychologist: Paul C. Vitz

             should we then decide to make God imperso-
             nal, since in these cases both father and mother
             are psychologically threatening?
             However, for those to whom the idea of Gad as
             “Father”/”Abba” is hard to accept, we Christians                       Paul Vitz, Ph.D. Profes-
             have Jesus as the living model of God and one                          sor  and  Senior  Scholar,
             more easily approached. Jesus is, in a theologi-                       Institute for the Psycho-
             cal and psychological sense, a friend figure - a                       logical  Sciences,  Arling-
             friend  for  both  men  and  women.  “I  call  you                     ton,  Virginia;  Professor
             friends” and “What a friend we have in Jesus”.                         Emeritus, New York Uni-
             Thus, the friendship of Christ is a theologically                      versity.
             sound way of approaching the reality of God.
             Let  us  turn  now  to  psychotherapy  and  to  the
             problems  raised  by  Joubert  in  addressing  the
             genuine suffering in a patient who had a father
             who abused or abandoned him or her. This is of
             course a serious issue. How can one psychologi-   5.  For many Christians the Church is under-
             cally address this within an orthodox Christian       stood  as  a  mother  and  for  some  patients
             framework? I will mention a number of diffe-          the comfort and love of the Church and its
             rent approaches that might be helpful. They are       community can give genuine support of a
             not listed in any special order and, of course,       maternal kind.
             some may not be appropriate for a given pati-     6.  Some  patients  afraid  of  and  not  trusting
             ent.                                                  God as Father are especially anxious and fe-
             1.  As implied above, Jesus can be introduced         arful in general. That is, their general anxie-
                as the image of God. His non-condemning            ty level needs to be reduced first. Once it is
                and loving relationships with others, espe-        addressed, then the anxiety/fear about God
                cially women, can begin to heal a negative         is often manageable.
                father image.                                  7.  Many Christian women throughout history
             2.  When one discusses a “bad” or dysfunctio-         have been greatly strengthened by God as
                nal father, an important question is: Could        their Father.  A woman who has God as her
                the patient forgive his or her father?  Such       Father, Jesus as her Friend and brother, and
                forgiveness will not be easy and should not        the  Holy  Spirit  as  her  Helper  and  Conso-
                be pushed or coerced, but forgiveness can          ler, has a great sense of security, protection
                lead  to  great  internal  peace  and  even  to    and support. Like many of the great female
                remembering  some  good  times  with  the          saints she remains womanly and feminine -
                father,  since  forgiveness  overcomes  “split-    but she is often something of an irresistible
                ting”; the father can be seen as not all bad.      force!
                I could give a few case histories where this
                has happened.                                  The present concern with bad fathers is certain-
             3.  For some patients it is helpful to let them   ly  important  and  needs  to  be  addressed.  But
                know  that  God  is  the  father  they  always   some  perspective  and  balance  are  important:
                wanted but never had.                          we should keep in mind that although a mother
             4.  For  Catholic  and  Eastern  Orthodox  pati-  is in one sense less likely to abuse a child than
                ents, the Virgin Mary often serves as a mo-    is  a  father,  a  mother  typically  spends  a  great
                ther figure. She models many motherly vir-     deal  more  time  with  a  child,  especially  when
                tues - and with her we avoid the God-the       the  child  is  young.  Since  during  this  period,
                mother-theology.  Mary  traditionally  leads   young  children  are  often  frustrating,  deman-
                many to Jesus - which then allows Jesus to     ding,  crying,  disobedient,  etc.,  more  children
                introduce God the Father: “If you have seen    are probably at some point abused or mistreated
                me you have seen the Father.”                  by their mothers that by their fathers.

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