Page 97 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 4
P. 97

Tab. 1: Religious coping mechanisms in Ms Rosenheim

              Session/     Quotation from Ms Rosenheim                 Definition/                      p/n
              Date                                                     placing on the RCOPE scales

              3rd session/  “No. Ido notentrust myselfto anyone.I ammuch too Search for social support (3)  n
              18th Oct. 2011  ashamed of myself for that. I also always thought that
                           no-one believes me anyway.”
              4th session  “I am so angry. I am being punished by God. I didn’t Discontent with God (2)  n
              26th Oct. 2011  deserve anything else.”
              6th session  “For a long time I thought that something evil, devi- The event is seen as the work of the de- n
              9th Nov. 2011  lish is responsible for all this. My uncle in the form of vil.
                           the devil.”
              6th session  “I pleaded with God. Again and again. I wished that Begging God for a miracle. Plea for di- n
              09th Nov. 2011 he [God] had rescued me during that time. That time vine intervention (6)
                           in the cellar.”
              7th session  “Oh yes. I very often asked myself why God allo- Confusion and spiritual discontent. n
              17th Nov. 2011 wed it. He is a loving God, after all, isn’t he? I often Discontent with God (2)
                           thought thatit wasall afairytale, allthis businesswith
                           faith and so on.”
              8th session  “When I heard about God, that was receiving an Search for religious leading, turning to-
              24th Nov. 2011 answer. Finally, I knew that I was not alone. Jesus is at wards religion (5)
                           my side. Always and everywhere.”
              9th session  “I have always assumed that God would rescue me. Passive religious dedication. Plea for di- n
              30th Nov. 2011 I needed only to wait. Then perhaps everything will vine intervention (6)
                           turn out well.”
              10th session  “In communion[...] Ifound somethinglike liberation Search for spiritual purification
              6th Dec. 2011  from all of this dirt.”
              11th session/  “I turned away. I didn’t want to hear anything more Self-determined religious coping, wit-
              29th Dec. 2011 about God. He – like all the others – had abandoned hout God’s help
                           me inmy momentof need.I wentaway. Simplyaway.”
              12th session  “I read the Bible. Every day. Constantly. And hoped Search for closeness and God’s love
              4th Jan. 2012  so much that he would show me through his word at
                           least that he loved me.”
              13th session  “In singingabove all– yes– thereI wasone withGod. Active trust in God (1)   p
              11th Jan. 2012  The melodies and texts – they simply do me good.
                           Through them I find comfort.”
              13th session  “My faith is changing. I now believe that God did not Religious change with turning towards p
              11th Jan. 2012  do this to me. It was my uncle.”         religion, life change (4)
              14th session  I will never forget what my uncle did to me. Ne- Religious forgiveness, liberation from p
              18th Jan. 2012  ver. Perhaps I will be able to forgive him some- anger, pain and fear (5)
              15th session  “I donot knowwhy thiswas doneto me.But Godhad Benevolent religious re-assessment of p
              20th Jan. 2012  his hand over it. I know that.”          the event, active trust in God (1)

             p = positive, n = negative, strategies without “p” or “n” cannot be clearly categorised
             (1) active trust in God
             (2) discontent with God
             (3) search for social support
             (4) life change /transformation
             (5) directing attention towards religion,
             (6) plea for divine intervention

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