Page 41 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 4
P. 41
Comment Romuald Jaworski, Po-
land, dr. hab., psycholo-
to “Conscience and faith in gist, psychotherapist, su-
pervisor, catholic priest,
Christian counselling practice” professor at the Cardinal
Stefan Wyszynski Uni-
Romuald Jaworski versity in Warsaw, presi-
dent of the Association
Conscience and faith reinforce each other mutually in of Christian Psycholo-
counselling and psychotherapy gists (ACP) in Poland.
In his interesting article, Roland Mahler delineates a ran- He is the author of seve-
ge of important themes from different perspectives: ral books and articles in
1. The nature of the conscience and its role in the life of the field of psychology of
man (the perspective of existential philosophy) religion and pastoral psy-
2. The significance of religious faith in the activity of the chology.
conscience (the theological perspective)
3. The function of the conscience and its connection with
faith in pastoral care and in giving form to spirituality should be regarded as the orientational function of the
(the pastoral perspective). spirit. This orientation and guidance is possible only in
From the philosophical point of view, the functionality relation to Christ and the Holy Spirit.
of conscience relates to the imparting of values (cogni- The experience of discrepancy between one’s own atti-
tive aspect) and their evaluation (emotional aspect). The tude and divine inspiration calls for efforts in therapy to
results of this evaluation are emotional states (feelings of heal this gap. Thanks to the pastoral perspective, we can
obligation, guilt, remorse, pride, contentment). recognise the significance of a therapy which places its-
Conscience enables the assessment of one’s own activity elf in relation to the Christian faith. It appears that the
with reference to values: good, truth, beauty, love, life. As place of psychotherapy is to be found somewhere in the
a result of the assessment, there arise responsibility for precursory stages to religious life. To the person whose
oneself and a relationship with God, with other persons trust has been broken by damage, suffering and sensel-
and with the world. Experiences of discrepancy lead us ess behaviour, psychotherapy should restore faith and
to seek forgiveness and grace. Faith is a reaction to this hope of God’s help. Faith then enables the individual to
deep need. see himself from God’s perspective: as a beloved child of
From the point of view of religion, conscience can be God, as the lost sheep, the prodigal son or daughter. This
analysed with regard to a theology of creation or a theo- experience helps in developing a healthy identity, one of
logy of salvation. Looking at creation makes it possible which the apostle Paul says: “I live, but not I, but Christ
to see the truth about God’s presence in us, about the lives in me.” (Gal 2, 20).
Holy Spirit in man. When God created man, he breathed And psychotherapyand counsellingare thereforehelpful,
breath into him. It depends precisely on the presence of and strengthen the moral and spiritual health of the con-
the divine breath, of divine inspiration (inspiro – i.e. in- science. I share the author’s opinion when he writes that
fusion, ignite) – and in the human body the conscience the importance of the conscience for human behaviour
comes into being. and action, particularly in an individualised and simul-
The conscience is a quite special gift of this imparting of taneously connectivised social environment, must be
breath. It shows itself (becomes present) in the decisions emphasised and, for the psychotherapeutic work process,
and actions of the will. Conscience enables the assess- represented and justified.
ment of moral activity, whether internally (thoughts, in- Every good therapy leads along the path of faith to
tentions, wishes,desires) orexternally (words anddeeds). change, to repentance, to remorse, in order to create a
From the point of view of salvation, the conscience space in which grace can work unhindered.
functions through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus
said that he will send the Holy Spirit, who “convinces It is good to remember that
the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgement. Of 1) the essence of conscience, as an internal guardian of
sin, because they do not believe in me; of righteousness, unchangeable values, consists in a special relationship
because I go to my father, where you can no longer see with God,
me; finally, of the highest court, because the ruler of this 2) religious faith is not only the basis for a better under-
world is judged” (Jn 16: 7-11). standing of nature and the functionality of the consci-
The interpretation of the conscience in connection with ence, but also represents clear support in overcoming evil
the mystery of salvation gives new depth and quality. and realising the good,
It is not only linked to nature, but is also a look at sin 3) psychotherapy is an important part of pastoral and
through faith and through the grace experienced. I find counselling activity. Psychotherapy removes the existing
Peter Hübner’s statement important, that the conscience human side of slavery and hindrances on the way to God.
1 Hübner P., Der Mythos der Neutralität. Zur Disjunktivität It is however important to remember that God works the
von Gut und Böse, in: IGNIS-Journal 2-91, Kitzingen, 1991 willing and the doing in us.
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