Page 60 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 3
P. 60

Christian Anthropology

             be a challenging task, but there are small starting points.
             For example, I see connections between his ideas and de-
             votional meditation strategies that encourage Surrender.
             Much more research is needed on such strategies, and
             their exploration could lead to further theory develop-

             Dr. Vasilyuk has written an article that broadens my un-
             derstanding of how to comfort the suffering. His work
             meaningfully connects empathy with more than just buil-
             ding the therapeutic alliance. Metaphorically speaking,
             he seeks to use it as a starting point for “spiritual graf-
             ting” and a vertical ladder to God. His emphasis on cul-
             tivating helpful attitudes in prayer resembles the concept
             of Surrender found in the religious coping literature. His          Dr. Fernando Garzon (USA) is
             writing reminds me of the important interaction between             a professor in the Center for
             theoretical development and empirical research. There is            Counseling and Family Studies
             much to build on in his work.                                       at  Liberty  University.  His  diverse
                                                                                 professional experiences include
                                                                                 practicing as a clinical psycholo-
                                                                                 gist  in  outpatient  settings,  being
                                                                                 an associate pastor for a  Latino
                                                                                 church, and doing pastoral care
                                                                                 ministry. His writing and research
             References                                                          interests focus on investigating
             Anderson, N. (2000). The bondage breaker. Eugene, OR:               Christian interventions in coun-
             Harvest House Publishers.                                           seling and evaluating counselor
             Clements, A. & Ermakova, A. (2012). Surrender to God                education practices in spirituality.
             and stress: A possible link between religiosity and health.         Dr. Garzon has written in the are-
             Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 4(2), pp. 93-107.          as of forgiveness, Christian inner
             Cole, B. & Pargament, K. (1999). Spiritual surrender: A             healing prayer, multicultural issu-
             paradoxical path to control. In W. Miller’s (Ed.) Integra-          es, and lay counseling models of
             ting Spirituality into Treatment: Resources for Practitio-          ministry. He is the IRB Chair for
             ners (pp. 179-198). Washington, DC: American Psycho-                Liberty University.
             logical Association
             Garzon, F. & Tilley, K. (2009). Do lay Christian counse-
             ling models work? What we currently know. Journal of
             Psychology and Christianity, 28(2), 130-140.

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