Page 59 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 3
P. 59

Christian Anthropology


             to “Prayer and experiencing in the

             context of pastoral care”

             Fernando Garzon

             Dr. Feodor Vasilyuk has written an excellent article in-  applying these principles shifts from merely developing
             spiring the Christian psychological community to delve   the horizontal therapeutic alliance to a quest to help the
             deeply into the interaction between prayer and experien-  counselee develop a “God alliance” (a sense of God with
             cing in counseling. I approach his work from the perspec-  the person in the midst of pain and suffering).
             tive of an evangelical Protestant clinical psychologist in
             the U.S. and a researcher on Christian models of prayer
             (primarily in lay counseling approaches). I will comment   Coping with Suffering versus Symptom Reduction
             briefly on the many positive elements I see in his work,   Dr. Vasilyuk’s descriptions of helpful as opposed to un-
             the role of empathy in his model, the question of coping   helpful approaches to prayer in the midst of suffering
             with suffering versus symptom reduction, and the role of   remind me of the researched religious coping concept
             empirical research alongside theory development.  of Surrender (See Cole & Pargament, 1999, for detailed
                                                               exploration of this concept; Clements & Ermakova, 2012,
                                                               for an example of recent research).  Surrender involves
             Many Positives                                    the denial of self for a perceived divine purpose or an
             Many positive elements permeate this article. I appreciate   active choice to relinquish one’s wishes in the service of
             Dr. Vasilyuk’s Russian Orthodox perspective on Christi-  what one believes to be God’s will. Self-will is transcen-
             an psychology. The Orthodox appreciation for the sense   ded through trusting in God’s character and divine pur-
             of mystery surrounding faith and suffering keep his work   poses. Some research suggests that surrender may reduce
             grounded in the realities we see each day in the coun-  stress symptoms (such as worry), although a reduction in
             seling room while reminding us of the Spirit’s presence   symptoms clearly is not the primary goal.
             and availability to console and encourage our fellow pil-
             grim. Dr. Vasilyuk offers a broad definition of Christian   I strongly agree with the value of Surrender as a helpful
             counseling that includes laity helping one another instead   stance that prayer can cultivate in Christian counseling.
             of just focusing on pastoral care and professional mental   I also wonder if there are other ways that prayer can be
             health services. This fits the reality of what is occurring in   applied in Christian counseling than what Dr. Vasilyuk
             the church throughout the world. He also seems to take   suggests. Symptom reduction is a paradoxical by-pro-
             a broad definition of prayer. Though not specifically de-  duct of Surrender. Are there prayer approaches that more
             fined in the article, I sensed that he moved beyond the   directly reduce symptoms? Is this an appropriate goal
             common  categories  of petitionary, contemplative, and   of Christian counseling? I am unclear on this from Dr.
             liturgical prayer. His  “spiritual participating” approach   Vasilyuk’s work. I am sure the length limitations on his
             (mental empathy, spiritual grafting, verticality, and the   article prevented greater clarity on that point.
             journey) provided an intriguing model for comforting
             the sufferer that he seeks to ground solidly in a psycho-  I research Christian lay counseling models. Some mo-
             logical anthropological base in addition to a theological   dels use forms of prayer for spiritual development and
             one. I appreciated that his case examples and classic book   symptom reductions more directly than Surrender types
             examples allowed his article to both address practical ap-  of prayer, although these models also encourage Sur-
             plication and theoretical concerns.               render when appropriate. For example, Neil Anderson’s
                                                               (2000) prayer model, Steps to Freedom in Christ, bears
                                                               resemblance to the classic prayer of examen. The focus of
             Empathy with a Higher Purpose                     Anderson’s adaption however is resolving spiritual con-
             As a  clinician, I  greatly appreciated Dr. Vasilyuk’s ap-  flicts and reducing psychological symptoms (See Garzon
             plication of empathy in the care of the hurting soul. Ty-  & Tilley, 2009, for a review of the preliminary research
             pically in the secular psychological literature, empathy   on Anderson’s model and a variety of lay counseling mo-
             is framed as the primary tool for developing the thera-  dels).
             peutic alliance. Many psychological theories emphasize
             the “horizontal” importance of the therapeutic relation-
             ship in the healing process. Dr. Vasilyuk goes beyond   Empirical Research and Theory Development
             such concerns to apply empathy in a way that helps the   Dr. Vasilyuk has broadened my understanding of prayer
             counselee connect deeply with God. It is a stepping stone   in counseling. As a researcher, I find myself wanting to
             that permits “spiritual grafting” and the construction of a   operationalize some of the principles he describes in a
             “vertical ladder” to God. Thus, the focus for the therapist   way that would permit investigation. This indeed would

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