Page 31 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 31

(1) The goal of spiritual growth is Christ-likeness    3. Komponenten des geistlichen Wachstums
        (imago dei).                                           Geistliches Wachstum und geistliche Formung
        (2) The ini�ator and energizer of spiritual grow-      haben unterschiedliche Komponenten, die mit-
        th is primarily the Holy Spirit.                       einander interagieren und o� nur schwer von-
        (3) The companions of spiritual growth are fri-        einander zu trennen sind. Diane Chandler ver-
        ends, pastors, counselors, coaches and thera-          gleicht sie daher mit den Face�en eines ge-
        pists.                                                 schliffenen Diamanten. Keine einzelne Face�e
        (4) The training disciplines of spiritual growth       gibt die Schönheit des Schmuckstücks wieder.
        are spiritual exercises for character change           Entsprechend reflek�eren auch die unter-
        (5) The training fields of spiritual growth are the    schiedlichen    Charaktereigenscha�en       eines
        family, the church and society.                        Christen das Licht und das Leben Jesu Chris�
        (6) The result of spiritual growth is the fruit of     durch die Kra� des Heiligen Geistes. Das Zu-
        the Spirit.                                            sammenwirken von Vater, Sohn und Geist be-
                                                               schreibt sie anschaulich: „Chris�an forma�on is
        Of the six components, in the following chapter        best described as an interac�ve process by
        3 I will only go into more detail on the leading       which God the Father conforms believers into
        role of the Holy Spirit (component 2) and the          the image of Jesus through the empowerment
        human contribu�on of spiritual exercises to            of the Holy Spirit by overseeing the develop-
        character change (component 4). In doing so, I         ment of the whole person in various life dimen-
        assume that the goals, ini�ator, promoter and          sions for the sake of others. God the Father
        facilitator, training disciplines, training fields     oversees the process. As Redeemer, Jesus the
        and results of spiritual growth can be separated       Son provides the impetus and model as the
        under an analy�cal view, but are in reality inse-      perfect image of God into which followers are
        parably interwoven under the direc�on of the           to be conformed. The Holy Spirit provides the
        Holy Spirit. Before we look at the central role of     divine love and power that causes the process
        the Holy Spirit in spiritual growth in chapter 4,      to take place and advance.” (Chandler, 2016, In-
        however, it is first necessary to keep the goal in     troduc�on)
                                                               Ich schlage vor, ergänzend zu dieser trinitari-
        What would the process of spiritual change in          schen Perspek�ve geistliches Wachstum in
        the lives of Chris�ans be without a clear goal?        sechs unterschiedliche Aspekte oder Kompo-
        Fortunately, Chris�an denomina�ons and de-             nenten zu gliedern:
        nomina�ons agree that Christlikeness is the
        goal, even if they differ significantly in the me-     (1) Das Ziel des geistlichen Wachstums ist die
        thods and components of this process of                Christus-Ähnlichkeit (Imago dei).
        change. Imago Dei - the likeness of God dis�n-         (2) Der Ini�ator und Energe�sierer des geistli-
        guishes human beings from all other creatures.         chen Wachstums ist primär der Heilige Geist.
        There is clear evidence of this in the Old Testa-      (3) Die Begleiter des geistlichen Wachstums
        ment, for example in the Hebrew Bible in Gene-         sind Freunde, geistliche Leiter, Seelsorger, Be-
        sis and in the Psalms. They point to the original      rater, Coaches und Therapeuten.
        crea�on inten�ons of God, who desired a coun-          (4) Die Trainingsdisziplinen des geistlichen
        terpart in his image:                                  Wachstums sind geistliche Übungen zur Cha-
        God created man in his image, in the image of          (5) Die Trainingsfelder des geistlichen Wachs-
        God he created him. He created them male and           tums liegen in der Familie, der Gemeinde und
        female (Genesis 1:27).                                 der Gesellscha�.
        On the day God created man, he made him like           (6) Das Ergebnis des geistlichen Wachstums ist
        God (Genesis 5:1)                                      die Frucht des Geistes.

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