Page 35 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 35
suddenly appear in a drama�c infilling with the Wachstumsprozesses? Ich folge in diesem Ar�-
Holy Spirit, but are the long-term results of a kel den Herausgebern eines Sammelbandes
life in the Spirit that develop over years of prac- über die Kunst und Wissenscha� der geistli-
�ce. [...] The New Testament clearly seems to chen Formung (spiritual forma�on) in Hiestad
regard both - the spectacular phenomena and & Wilson (2019, Seite 2): „Ul�mately, forma�-
the silent fruit - as works of the Spirit, both of on into Christlikeness is not the result of human
which have their jus�fica�on” (Tomlin, 2019, p. effort or self-will. Nor is it simply the byproduct
100). of more prayer, more therapy, more bible stu-
dy, more posi�ve psychology, more of any-
Tomlin also emphasizes that a person's tempe- thing! Instead, is it a new crea�onal reality
rament must be dis�nguished from their cha- brought about by the Sovereign Spirit who is
racter. Temperament comprises individual per- the Lord and Giver of Life. In the words of the
sonality traits that are morally neutral. They Apostle Paul, “we all with unveiled face, behol-
dis�nguish people from other people and make ding the glory of the Lord, are being transfor-
up their individual characteris�cs, such as the med into the same image form one degree of
contrast between introversion and extroversi- glory to another. For this comes from the Lord
on. A person's character, on the other hand, who is the spirit” (2. Korinther 3:18).
can be morally evaluated. We think of pairs of
opposites such as aggressiveness versus self- Im 5. Kapitel des Galaterbriefes werden die
control or pa�ence versus impa�ence. Wirkungen des Heiligen Geistes auf die Charak-
terentwicklung beschrieben. Sie ermöglichen
4.2. The human contribu�on: spiritual exerci- den Wandel im Geist im Leben eines Christen.
ses to change character Tomlin (2019) weist darauf hin, dass der Apo-
Humans are not creatures that are completely stel Paulus dort eine Liste von Eigenscha�en
determined by gene�cs, upbringing and envi- aufführt, die an die Tugendlisten der griechi-
ronment. Personality psychologists agree that schen philosophischen Literatur erinnern: Lie-
beyond these factors, there are degrees of free- be, Freude, Friede, Langmut, Freundlichkeit,
dom for each person to live self-determined Güte, Treue, San�mut und Enthaltsamkeit. Auf
lives and to change during the later years of einen Unterschied ist allerdings hinzuweisen.
their lives (see Roberts & Yoon, 2023). Thus, fol- Paulus verwendet dabei nicht den üblichen Be-
lowers of Jesus also have the opportunity to griff arete = Tugend, sondern das Bild von der
not only passively allow the Holy Spirit to work Frucht des Geistes und verweist darauf, dass es
on them, but to ac�vely and con�nuously give nicht um das isoliert Tugendtraining, sondern
him space through spiritual exercises. However, um die vom Heiligen Geist gewirkten ganzheit-
the one must not replace the other. lichen Ergebnisse eines Wachstumsprozesses
geht. „Das Bild von der Frucht zeigt, dass die
How can the work of the Holy Spirit be suppor- Herausbildung dieser Eigenscha�en ihre Zeit
ted by regular spiritual exercises? In the antho- braucht, so wie auch eine Frucht allmählich
logy by Chandler (2016), the authors show the rei�. Es handelt sich nicht um Gaben, die in ei-
variety of human spaces of experience in which ner drama�schen Erfüllung mit dem Heiligen
the Holy Spirit can become effec�ve. People Geist urplötzlich da sind, sondern sie sind die
who prac�se contempla�ve Bible reading and langfris�gen Ergebnisse eines Lebens im Geist,
prayer have had good experiences with a regu- die in Jahren des Einübens entstehen. […] Das
lar retreat into silence. Others emphasize the Neue Testament scheint eindeu�g beides – die
emo�onal closeness to the heart of God the Fa- spektakulären Phänomene und die s�lle Frucht
ther in prayer, try to listen to the voice of the – als Werke des Geistes zu betrachten, die bei-
Holy Spirit in listening prayer or appreciate the de ihre Berech�gung haben“ (Tomlin, 2019,
upli�ing role of singing together in worship ser- Seite 100).