Page 34 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 34
is not �ed to the intelligence or reflec�ve capa- Zwei schon in der Einleitung erwähnte Konzep-
city of gi�ed people. People with mental limita- te versuchen die vielen Aussagen der Bibel
�ons and disabili�es can also experience it über diesen Prozess in den Konzepten der
(Cortez, 2019, 2)4. The Holy Spirit as ini�ator Theosis und der Deifika�on zu bündeln. Die
and promoter of spiritual growth Herausgeber des renommierten Oxford Hand-
book of Deifica�on definieren es folgenderma-
4.1 The divine contribu�on: The Holy Spirit ßen: “Deifica�on is a process and goal by which
changes our character the human being or church or in some way the
In theology, both the doctrine of the Trinity and whole crea�on comes to par�cipate in God,
biblical anthropology emphasize the central Christ, divine life, divine a�ributes, divine ener-
role of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual growth gies, or divine glory by growing into the likeness
and character transforma�on of people. What of God, while remaining a creature ontological-
happens when lost, fallen people respond to ly dis�nct from the Creator. This process is
God's grace and gradually become more like o�en described as divine adop�on, regenera�-
Christ? What role does the Holy Spirit play as on, glorifica�on, sanc�fica�on, and union with
the Lord of this spiritual growth process? In this God. Human deifica�on is made possible by the
ar�cle, I follow the editors of an anthology on incarna�on of the divine Logos in Jesus Christ
the art and science of spiritual forma�on in Hie- and is sustained by the Holy Spirit through the
stad & Wilson (2019, page 2): “Ul�mately, for- sacramental life of the church, prayer, asce�cal
ma�on into Christlikeness is not the result of discipline, and growth in virtue (Gawrilyuk, Ho-
human effort or self-will. Nor is it simply the by- fer, & Levering, 2024, p. 5).
product of more prayer, more therapy, more bi-
ble study, more posi�ve psychology, more of Marc Cortez versucht den geheimnisvollen Ge-
anything! Instead, it is a new crea�onal reality danken der Go�es- und Jesus-Ähnlichkeit als
brought about by the Sovereign Spirit who is Zielpunkt des christlichen Lebens auf die Spur
the Lord and Giver of Life. In the words of the kommen. Nach seiner Einschätzung sollte die-
Apostle Paul, “we all with unveiled face, behol- ser Prozess über die Imita�on oder Nachah-
ding the glory of the Lord, are being transfor- mung Jesu hinausgehen und alle kogni�ven,
med into the same image form one degree of emo�onalen und voli�onalen Kapazitäten ein-
glory to another. For this comes from the Lord schließen. Der Prozess sei aber nicht an die In-
who is the spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18). telligenz oder Reflek�onsfähigkeit von begab-
ten Menschen gebunden. Auch Menschen mit
Chapter 5 of Gala�ans describes the effects of mentalen Einschränkungen und Behinderun-
the Holy Spirit on character development. They gen könnten ihn erleben (Cortez, 2019, 2)
enable the change in spirit in the life of a Chris-
�an. Tomlin (2019) points out that the apostle 4. Der Heilige Geist als Ini�ator und Förderer
Paul gives a list of quali�es that are reminiscent des geistlichen Wachstums
of the lists of virtues in Greek philosophical lite-
rature: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, 4.1. Der gö�liche Beitrag: Der Heilige Geist
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and abs�- verändert unseren Charakter
nence. However, one difference should be no- In der Theologie wird sowohl in der Trinitäts-
ted. Paul does not use the usual term arete = lehre als auch in der biblischen Anthropologie
virtue, but the image of the fruit of the Spirit die zentrale Rolle des Heiligen Geistes im geist-
and points out that it is not about isolated vir- lichen Wachstum und der Charakterverände-
tue training, but about the holis�c results of a rung von Menschen betont. Was passiert,
growth process brought about by the Holy Spi- wenn verlorene, gefallene Menschen auf
rit. “The image of the fruit shows that the deve- Go�es Gnade antworten und Schri� für Schri�
lopment of these quali�es takes �me, just as Christus ähnlicher werden? Welche Rolle spielt
fruit ripens gradually. These are not gi�s that der Heilige Geist als Herr dieses geistlichen