Page 91 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 91
Esly Carvalho (Brazil), Ph.D., T.E.P. TraumaClinic, She is an experienced
Trainer of Trainers in EMDR therapy, as well as a Psychodrama trainer. An
author and interna�onal speaker, she has spent her life working in La n
America and Brazil, training in three languages, in both pastoral as well as
clinical se�ngs. She has wri�en books available on Amazon. Esly is mar-
ried to a re�red missionary, has an adult married daughter who is also a
clinical psychologist and trainer in her own right, and loves those grand-
Esly Carvalho
(Brazil) www.traumaclinicinterna�
Former contribu�on in our eJournal by Esly you can see her:
Comment to
“More Prac�cal Orientated Bibliotherapy as love therapy in the
comprehensive treatment of anxiety-depressive disorders”
A friend from the USA, who also read this ar�c- 3. A step-by-step process of the more com-
le by Khrystyna, wrote to me that she is grate- mon passages used, and how it was intro-
ful for her own transforma�ve experiences duced and developed with the client – or
with bibliotherapy. with any client – would have made this pa-
per even more valuable.
She would like to see more collabora�on bet- 4. The paper puts forth such a wonderful way
ween mental health professionals and commu- of working that the reader remains with
nity workers. That's why she appreciates this the curiosity of: how could I implement this
contribu�on from Khrystyna. with my clients?
I summarize my comment with the following Personally, I also am a proponent of group
points: work, as it is so therapeu�c, and wonder if this
could be used in groups in order to scale, and
1. 1Beau�ful proposal! The Word of God is so tend to more people, like I did with the PIPA
amazing! The idea that just reading it can Program and its sister, the Pastoral PIPA Pro-
heal is simple and true, but rarely used gram, that explains trauma from a Biblical
enough. perspec�ve. In fact, I trained 186 therapists in
2. A more thorough example would have Poland and Ukraine last year in the secular
been helpful: which Scriptures did she use PIPA Program (the group exercises are the
specifically with the case she described? same) online so they could implement them