Page 95 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 95

20. I am prepared to forego my own wishes if I sense that the other
            person needs me in par�cular.
        21. I like to take �me for another person.

        22. I am always willing to make someone else happy with small gi�s.
        23. If someone is harming themselves, I feel free to tell them that.
        24. Nothing can separate me from the love of God.
        25. It is difficult for me to persuade a person to do something that
            might harm them.
        26. I am happy to become one with someone else's cause and then
            support them ac�vely.
        27. I am willing to do things for others without gaining anything per-

        28. I am prepared to endure long-term suffering for the sake of
        29. Time-consuming rela�onships are not too strenuous for me.

        30. I enjoy helping others.
        31. If something becomes too much for me, I can say no firmly.
        32. Love is a gi� from God that I can only ask for and receive, but not
        33. I find people interes�ng, no ma�er who they are.
        34. When another person confides in me, I support them in overco-
            ming their problems.
        35. I am able to show genuine interest in another person's prefe-
            rences, even if I am not interested in these things myself.

        36. I am prepared to love another person even if I have to give up my
            own plans.
        37. I am prepared to give my �me for the other person by taking the
            ini�a�ve to make contact.
        38. I enjoy seeing friends again.
        39. I have learnt to set boundaries.

        40. Since entering into a living rela�onship with God, I have been able
            to love people I used to find unappealing.

        Please evaluate the ques�onnaire yourself by no�ng the number you have �cked to the le� of the ques�on number on the
        following evalua�on sheet.
        Then calculate the total in each of the 8 categories.

        •   Where is this highest, where is it lowest?
        •   Concentrate mainly on your good categories:
        •   What are the two highest?
        •   How can I get even be�er at this?

        And then make a point of thinking about these "answers" from �me to �me. What becomes clear to you?

   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100