Page 94 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 94
The Agape Ques�onnaire
Please indicate the extent to which the individual behaviour pa�erns, feelings or a�tudes listed be-
low apply or do not apply to you.
The further to the le� you place the cross, the less the statement applies to you.
Here, "0" means that the statement is absolutely wrong in every respect, while "10" means that the
statement is absolutely true in every respect.
The "9" means that the statement is generally completely true and the "1" means that the statement
is generally completely wrong.
The "4", "5" and "6" denote average assessments, with the "4" tending to indicate wrong and the "6"
tending to indicate true.
Absolutely wrong Absolutely true
1. Even when we are in conflict with each other, I let the other per-
son know that they are valuable in my eyes.
2. I o�en help ac�vely and without hesita�on.
3. I am always ready to love the other person anew, even if they do
not show me love.
4. I am prepared to love another person even if it really costs me
something personally.
5. My �me is given to me to love and be loved.
6. If I can meet a person with heart-felt warmth, I am happy.
7. It is easy for me to say no out of love.
8. In the course of my life, I have realised that I cannot create love
myself, but can only receive it as a gi�.
9. Genuine empathy comes easily to me when mee�ng others.
10. I am very grateful and happy that I have been able to experience a
lot of help and support myself.
11. I am always prepared to interrupt important work if someone
needs me.
12. If the other person doesn't feel well, that really affects me too.
13. I spend a lot of �me helping others.
14. I enjoy being with people.
15. When I set boundaries for someone else, I don't feel guilty.
16. I have found that God hears me when I ask Him to give me love
for a par�cular person.
17. I never say anything derogatory about another person - not even
to third par�es.
18. I encourage others in their gi�s.
19. I put my own interests and needs aside for the sake of others.