Page 26 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 26

can be reduced to fear and fawning, and the            good genera�on, or even regenera�on, for
        human heart, mo�va�on and morality are re-             loving ac�ons or responses.
        duced to a level most appropriate to the mam-
        malian …                                               In Andrey’s reference to Eric Fromm, it is also
        and/or                                                 deligh�ul to recognise those types of love ac�-
        ‘ “love” of self’ can become a preoccupa�on            vi�es which are so important: knowledge,
        with ‘all things me’, so that the self-idolatry and    a�en�on, care, respect, responsibility. Again, it
        ins�ncts cause a reduced level of heart and mo-        is not only in the love ac�vi�es of the I-it, the I-
        rality to something more and more akin to that         myself, or the I-thou, but, most importantly, in
        appropriate for (dare we say) the rep�lian!            the I-Thou rela�onship, that we find ourselves
                                                               as both recipients and actors of love in the best
        But when people are In loving and grateful sub-        of ways (to use some expressions of Mar�n Bu-
        mission to God as God, having some understan-          ber and C.S. Evans.)
        ding of the great love demonstrated in Christ,
        and by the presence of the Holy Spirit, both the       Many people wan�ng help from counselling do
        love of self and love of neighbour are enabled,        have their own deep sense of God, and are ho-
        in each human person, to find their dignity, as        ping for encouragement as they try to work
        imago Dei; spiritually alive and more fully hu-        through their issues in their life with faith, or in
        man, free to truly love and be loved.                  the light of their faith.

        As far as the self-a�tude is concerned, in close       Due to the huge range of people’s experiences,
        rela�onship with God through Christ, we can            situa�ons, states and disposi�ons, sensi�vity
        become be�er at loving and being loved, truth-         from the prac��oner to the whole range of wil-
        fully, graciously, and trus�ngly enough to be          lingness (or lack of willingness) to encourage
        trainable in the discipline of self and in our rela-   founda�onal spirituality for life is important, as
        �onships with others. We are all brothers and          is sensi�vity on the part of the prac��oner to a
        sisters of the same Father.                            whole range of most appropriate responses,
        God’s love is genera�ve, and also regenera�ve.         with which to lovingly respond.
        Love is always rela�onal, and brings about the

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