Page 25 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 25

Rosemary Steer MAPS,
                                     Over 30 years
                                     Counselling psychologist,
                                     Team Leader counselling
                                     Endeavour Ministries,
                                     Melbourne Australia

           Rosemary Steer

        Comment to

        „Ac�ve love as psychotherapeu�c telos“

        I enjoyed reading Andrey Lorgus’ essay on               te the client’s inner processing towards ac�on
        “Ac�ve love as psychotherapeu�c telos”, and             and outcomes.
        the wisdom of ac�ve love therapy, with its em-
        phasis in therapy on facilita�ng loving ac�on,          If I can venture to add some thoughts …
        rather than emphasising feelings or even                Would we not agree that the telos or goal has
        thoughts, which can accentuate “stuckness”              its highest des�ny (as expressed in the first
        for people wan�ng help from counselling.                commandment by God, as brought down by
        Thank you, Andrey, for your essay.                      Moses); to love the LORD our God with all our
                                                                heart and soul and mind and strength? As the
        Emphasis upon ac�on can help release a fol-             great source of love is God, our Creator, then to
        low-through of the process, in this case, of            accept the love of God and be loved, to love
        love, in rela�onal responses.                           God in response, and to extend this love to all,
                                                                and with all, within the context of God’s crea�-
        Of course, the inner life of a person is so rich:       on, is our calling.
        in its will, mo�va�ons, reac�ons, beliefs, valu-
        es and evalua�ons, thoughts, a�tudes, consi-            We might name this (that is, the love and wor-
        dera�ons and reflec�ons, emo�ons, sensa�-               ship of God as God) the ver�cal rela�onship,
        ons, and so on. Emo�ons (as the name sug-               upon which the horizontal rela�onship – of
        gests) do move us into ac�ons or responses              loving others – depends. This horizontal rela�-
        (which can some�mes appear to be inac�on),              onship between people ul�mately depends
        but o�en thoughts and feelings either become            upon the greater, higher rela�onship with God.
        a preoccupa�on or else are simply not resol-            Otherwise -
        ved for decision towards ac�on (or response)            ‘ ”love” of neighbour’ can become mere co-de-
        in fulfilling a (hopefully) good and proper out-        pendency, or even mindless subjuga�on and
        come. The therapeu�c rela�onship can facilita-          slavery to the dominant one(s), or to the Group
                                                                (whatever group that might be), where ‘love’

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