Page 41 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 41


        by Janet Warren (Canada)

        Spiritual forma�on, an important aspect of Chris�an
        faith and prac�ce, is especially cri�cal for the inter-
        connected fields of theological anthropology, psy-
        chology, and psychotherapy. It is of par�cular inte-
        rest to me, as one who teaches on the theology of
        the human person and one who prac�ces medical
        psychotherapy. Also of interest to me, as a Canadian
        post-conserva�ve evangelical theologian, are the                E. Janet Warren (MD, PhD) works as
        differing denomina�onal backgrounds and na�onali-               an independent, interdisciplinary
        �es of the authors of these ar�cles. Suffice it to say,         scholar and a Family Physician who
        there are many points of connec�on and inter-                   prac�ces psychotherapy. Janet’s re-
        connec�on.                                                      search interests include the inte-
                                                                        gra�on of science (especially psy-
        Nicolene Joubert, from an evangelical perspec�ve,               chology) and Chris�anity, pneuma-
        points out that spiritual forma�on involves growing             tology, demonology, deliverance,
        in our understanding of God, deepening our rela�-               healing, and Chris�an counseling.
        onship with Jesus, and becoming more Christlike. It             She is past president of the Canadi-
        is a con�nual process and involves mul�ple dimensi-             an Scien�fic and Chris�an Affilia�-
        ons. This daun�ng task is made possible only                    on, and a fellow of the American
        through the love of God; the saving work of his Son,            Scien�fic Affilia�on. Her publica�-
        who is the perfect image of his Father; and the pre-            ons include Cleansing the Cosmos:
        sence of the Spirit, who guides and inspires the com-           A Biblical Model for Conceptuali-
        munity of believers. Joubert suggests that spiritual            zing and Counterac�ng Evil (Pick-
        prac�ces, or shaping ac�vi�es, such as disciplines              wick, 2012), Holy Housekeeping
        and ministry �melines, are helpful in this process but          (Essence, 2017), All Things Wise
        appropriately insists that knowledge and skills are al-         and Wonderful: A Chris�an Under-
        ways secondary to developing our rela�onship with               standing of How and Why Things
                                                                        Happen (Wipf & Stock, 2021), and
        Prayer, of course, is a cri�cal spiritual discipline and        Singing into Splintered Spaces: The
        the topic of Marcin Gaja’s ar�cle. In his �tle, Gaja            Rhythms of Mission and Spiritual
        equates love of God and prayer, no�ng the la�er to              Discipline (Cascade, 2022). Janet
        be “the most significant ac�vity that can be underta-           lives in Hamilton, Ontario, and
        ken in life.” It is engaged in out of love and faithful-        loves travel and outdoor ac�vi�es,
        ness, and needs to be sincere. This concurs with                but in warm weather only!
        most wri�ngs on prayer. However, I do have some
        ques�ons about Gaja’s emphases and language. For
        example, he claims that “prayer causes us to regain   
        our sovereignty”—surely only God is sovereign (re-
        gardless of one’s denomina�onal perspec�ve)? Simi-              Former contribu�on in our eJournal
        larly, he states that we “seek God inside of oursel-            by Janet available here:
        ves,” and “he lives in our hearts.” Although not
        wrong, I would prefer him to reference divine tran-             h�ps://
        scendence as well as immanence, and the complex                 h�ps://
        interac�ons between the two. The claims that prayer             h�ps://
        helps us be free of our “false selves” (presumably fol-

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