Page 37 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
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you ought to have done, without leaving the            References
        others undone” (Ma�hew 23:23, NKJV).                   Bernard of Clairvaux. (2016). On Loving God.
                                                               Gideon House Books.
        And yet, while love governed by reason is endu-        Macarius of Egypt. (1999-2018). Fi�y Spiritual
        ring, divorced from feeling it is arid. As for love    Homilies. e-Catholic 2000. Retrieved 14 9,
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        three individually and in the aggregate that           World: Monas�c Wri�ngs of the Twel�h Centu-
        finds its fulfillment only in the Beloved.             ry. Penguin Books.
                                                               McCabe, M. (2012). I Am the Way: Stages of
        Finally, since the ul�mate object of our love is       Prayer in Saint Bernard. Cistercian Publica�ons.
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        gi� to be received by the “full maturity” which        torical Trends and Doctrinal Themes. Fordham
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