Page 38 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 38

Three Comments

        to the ar�cles of M. Gajda, G. Jensen and N. Joubert

        For these comments I developed a vision that I would like to share here:

        • The comments should be on all three ar�cles on Spiritual Forma�on, which are published

            in this eJournal.
        • The authors of the three ar�cles come from different church backgrounds, different
            denomina�ons, evangelical, catholic and orthodox. And the commentator also have a
            denomina�onal and church background. And that's good. I wanted to see the
            contribu�ons from a professional, and also from a denomina�onal perspec�ve.


        by Sam Berg (Canada)

        Response to:

        • Spiritual Forma�on for Chris�an Leaders by
            Nicolene Joubert of South Africa
        • Love Of God (Prayer). Prayer Is The Most
            Significant Ac�vity That Can Be Undertaken
            In Life by Marcin Gaja of Poland.
        • To Love Because We Have First Been Loved                 Sam Berg, D.Min., is a Registered
            by God - Bernard of Clairvaux’s Psychology             Marriage and Family Therapist in Canada,
            of Love - Gregory Jensen of the USA.                   and    a Clinical   Fellow and Approved
                                                                   Supervisor in the American Associa�on of

        First of all, let me situate myself in the vast pos-       Marriage and Family Therapists. He
        sibili�es of intersec�onality available to us in           currently serves as the Director of
        the Chris�an movement. From a faith perspec-               Counselling Services at The Caring Place,
        �ve, I am an evangelical, Bap�st, raised in a              a faith-base, counselling center in Regina,
        German Bap�st church in Canada, part of the                SK. Previously, he was the Coordinator of
        North American Bap�st Conference. Educa�o-                 the Marriage and Family Counselling
        nally, I hold an undergraduate degree in psy-              program     at  Briercrest   Seminary     at
        chology from the University of Wisconsin-Mil-              Caronport, SK. He has served the
        waukee, an M. Div. from Sioux Falls Seminary,              counselling profession in several board
        and the D. Min from Palmer Seminary. Cultu-                posi�ons. He enjoys travelling with his
        rally, my parents were both of German descent              wife, playing golf, and visi�ng with his
        and were small children when their parent im-              grandchildren.
        migrated from eastern Europe in the 1920s.       
        Professionally, I am a Registered Marriage and
        Family Therapist Supervisor Mentor with the                Former contribu�on in our eJournal by
        Canadian Associa�on for Marriage and Family                Sam available here:
        and a Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor              h�ps://
        with the American Associa�on for Marriage

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