Page 39 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 39

and Family Therapy. Professionally, I have ser-        love ourselves. In my opinion, this is a gross mi-
        ved as pastor in NABC churches in Canada, and          sinterpreta�on of this command. To begin with,
        as professor of counseling at the Briercrest Col-      it is the second command, which follows the
        lege and Seminary.                                     first, namely, to love God wholeheartedly. This
                                                               command is possible for us only because “we
        Each of the three ar�cles reviewed here bring          love because we have first been loved” (1 John
        an important perspec�ve to the understanding           4:19). It is the result of our response to the love
        of the role of spiritual forma�on in the lives of      of God in praying that we recognize that we
        Chris�ans. Nicolene Joubert addresses the vital        have been loved and are thus able to turn to
        role of inten�onal spiritual forma�on that is re-      the neighbour in love. Love of self, some�mes
        quired of those who would be leaders in Chris-         popularized as self-esteem or self-worth, is the
        �an endeavours, whether in church ministry,            product of this process rather than the precon-
        mission or educa�on. I especially appreciated          di�on for it!
        her comments on the history of spiritual forma-
        �on in the life of the church including the de-        The third ar�cle, “To Love Because We Have
        sert fathers and the reformers. This is par�cu-        First Been Loved by God - Bernard of Clairvaux’s
        larly relevant for some evangelicals such as my-       Psychology of Love” by Gregory Jensen deve-
        self who tend to see church history as the Book        lops this theme of love of God by considering
        of Act and the last 100 years or so. The diagram       the teachings of Bernard of Clairvaux. Bernard
        depic�ng a lifelong developmental spiritual for-       of Clairvaux is somewhat of an excep�on to the
        ma�on is a helpful tool for anyone in a ministry       evangelical lack of historical awareness in that
        leadership role. It led me to reflect on where I       his hymns show up in our hymn books. "O
        might be on this �meline. The same kind of re-         Sacred Head, Now Wounded," "Jesus the Very
        flec�on was spurred by the three categories of         Thought of Thee" and "Jesus, Thou Joy of
        forma�on, ministerial, spiritual, and strategic. I     Loving Hearts" are three of his well-known
        recognized each of those as phases I had expe-         hymns, at least for those of us who are old
        rienced, with a back-and-forth movement bet-           enough to remember when we sang these
        ween each as I went through the stages of mi-          hymns out of hymn books. (I hasten to add that
        nistry. In my opinion, these are two processes         I’m a big fan of contemporary worship music!)
        that could be very useful during a personal or         These hymns express well the teachings about
        group retreat. They would enhance what Euge-           the love of God as displayed in the life, death
        ne Petersen (1980) called “a long obedience in         and resurrec�on of Jesus that Gregory Jenson
        the same direc�on.”                                    reviews in his ar�cle. His presenta�on of the
                                                               four degrees of love, beginning with “loving self
        Each of the other two ar�cle point to this rich        for self” and culmina�ng in “loving self because
        history to which Nicolene Joubert referred.            God first loved” states more eloquently what I
        Marcin Gaja’s trea�se on prayer reviews seven          sought to express in my discussion of the se-
        characteris�cs of “real prayer,” and challenged        cond command in the above paragraph.
        me to reflect on my prayer prac�ce and whe-
        ther I really pray and led me to join the disciples    I want to make three observa�ons to encapsu-
        as they said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray”        late some impressions from reading these
        (Luke 11:1). His first point, that “real prayer is     three ar�cles together. First, I was reminded of
        engaged in out of love” established the theme          the rich heritage that there is in the two millen-
        introduced by his �tle to the ar�cle, “Love of         nia of Chris�an thought and reflec�on on the
        God (Prayer).” His discussion brings an import-        ma�er of spiritual forma�on. The prac�ces of
        ant correc�ve to the popular psychological             the early church and the wri�ngs of the canoni-
        view o�en taken about the second great com-            cal le�ers are the important beginning of the
        mand, to love your neighbour as yourself (Mark         reflec�ons of a “great cloud of witnesses”(He-
        12:29-31). The “pop psychology” interpreta�on          brews 12:1) that make up the church universal.
        o�en given to this is that in order to be able to      The references that both Joubert and Jensen
        love our neighbour we need to first learn to           make to this history underline the rich re-

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