Page 14 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
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how it relates to one’s ministry and calling. It in-   leaders may also track their forma�on thoug-
        cludes the examina�on of emo�onal reac�ons             hout the lifespan of their ministry to ensure
        to the shaping, such as anger, guilt, shame,           they move from commitment to maturity and
        remorse; explora�on of assump�ons; reconsi-            to finishing well. Each challenge and dilemma
        dering of roles and rela�onships; iden�fying           should be analyzed and reflect on to find the
        new roles and rela�onships and developing a            opportunity for growth and being shaped by
        new perspec�ve. The process should be viewed           God. In alignment with Paul all leaders and sin-
        as spiritual forma�on and the new insight gai-         cere believers should strive to finish well.
        ned about self, God, beliefs about God and
        others, implemented into the new role(s).              Timothy 3-8 provides a vision of how we should
                                                               finish our ministries and our lives: “As for you,
        Chris�an leaders and all believers should un-          always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do
        derstand shaping ac�vi�es, recognize them,             the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
        learn from them, and allow God to shape their          For I am already being poured out as a drink
        characters and faith and stay focused. The sha-        offering, and the �me of my departure has
        ping ac�vi�es include integrity and obedience          come. I have fought the good fight, I have finis-
        to God; a conscious commitment to serve as a           hed the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth
        leader and to stay commi�ed through trials;            there is laid up for me the crown of righteous-
        submission to authority; learning how to opera-        ness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will
        te in spiritual authority; accep�ng paradigm           award to me on that day, and not only to me
        shi�s and adap�ng to new ideas; iden�fying             but also to all who have loved his appearing.”
        and standing against spiritual opposi�on; mo-
        ving to new levels of depth in their rela�onship       (1) All Biblical references are from the English Stan-
        with God; dealing with crises and conflicts; dis-      dard Version (ESV).
        cover    and    develop     gi�edness;    receive
        guidance; treasure ministry breakthroughs and          References
        build on them; handle leadership backlash and          Clinton, J.R. & Clinton, R (2004). The Life Cycle
        other challenges; develop a sense of des�ny            of a Leader. Printed by permission via      XanE-
        and embrace des�ny ac�vi�es (Clinton and               du, July 2004 from George Barna, ed. Leaders
        Clinton, 2004).                                        on Leadership (Gospel Light) 1997.
                                                               Lu, J. (2021). Educa�onal models of spiritual
        Conclusion                                             forma�on in theological educa�on: Introspec-
        Spiritual forma�on is a lifelong process based         �on- based spiritual forma�on. Teaching
        on a conscious commitment to follow and ser-           Theology & Religion, 24(1), 28-41.
        ve Christ (salva�on), and to become more like          Wilhoit, J.C., & Howard, E.B. (2020). The Wis-
        Him (sanc�fica�on). Tradi�onal spiritual prac�-        dom of Chris�an Spiritual Forma�on. Journal of
        ces of prayer and service could be implemented         Spiritual Forma�on and Soul Care. Vol. 13 (1) 5-
        for inten�onal spiritual forma�on. Chris�an            21.

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