Page 9 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 9

The goal of this edi�on of Chris�an Psychology         References
        Around the World is not to provide defini�ve           Foster, R. J. (1998). Celebra�on of discipline:
        answers to how to do spiritual forma�on for            The path to spiritual growth. HarperCollins.
        leaders, prac�ce contempla�on, or to help our          Merton, T. (1987). Spiritual direc�on and medi-
        clients achieve the highest levels of love. Rat-       ta�on. The Liturgical Press.
        her, our hope is that God breathes on aspects          Moon, G. W., & Benner, D. G. (2004). Spiritual
        of this community dialog to inspire each of us         direc�on and the care of souls: A Guide to
        further in our growth voca�onally and perso-           Chris�an approaches and prac�ces. Intervarsity
        nally in our walk with Christ.                         Press.
                                                               Willard, D. (2002). Renova�on of the heart:
                                                               Pu�ng on the character of Christ. NavPress.

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