Page 10 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
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Professor Dr Nicolene Joubert has been a counseling psychologist in pri-
                                     vate prac�ce for 39 years, specializing in Chris�an psychology and psy-
                                     chotherapy, trauma therapy and family counseling. She is the founder of
                                     the Ins�tute of Chris�an Psychology in South Africa, a training ins�tu�on
                                     that offers courses in Chris�an psychology and counseling. She is an ad-
                                     junct professor at Houston Bap�st University, Houston, Texas, USA where
                                     she develops and teaches Chris�an psychology and counseling courses.
                                     She is the chairperson of the Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counse-
                                     lors (CPSC) in South Africa. She is also a post-graduate supervisor at the
                                     South African Theological Seminary (SATS) for MA Th and PhD students.

                                     Former contribu�ons in our eJournal by Nicolene you can see here:

        Spiritual Forma�on for Chris�an Leaders

        Abstract                                                Col. 1:28; Rom. 12:2)  (1) . Forma�on has diffe-
        Spiritual forma�on is a well known term in the          rent meanings in different contexts. The prac�-
        Chris�an faith tradi�on. Chris�an leaders are           ces and means have changed over centuries,
        expected to be mature in faith and character            but the purpose of spiritual forma�on remains
        and to have wholesome rela�onships. Spiritual           to grow in understanding of God, deepening in
        growth and transforma�on is required to reach           the rela�onship with Jesus Christ, and beco-
        a place of maturity and wisdom. Various prac-           ming more Christlike.
        �ces and approaches to spiritual forma�on
        have been implemented over the years in the             Historical Overview
        Chris�an faith community for this purpose. All          Wilhoit and Howard (2020) iden�fied themes
        believers should delve into the Chris�an litera-        that have been pursued in spiritual forma�on
        ture on spiritual forma�on to find the gold             throughout history. For example, the book of
        nuggets that would s�mulate and inspire their           Acts demonstrates how people were formed
        spiritual growth. In this ar�cle the focus is on        through worship, service, prayer, mentoring,
        Chris�an leaders and valuable perspec�ves               conflict, teaching and preaching (Wilhoit and
        that could guide them into a deeper rela�ons-           Howard, 2020). The desert fathers developed
        hip with Christ throughout their life.                  prac�ces for spiritual forma�on that enabled
        Key words: spiritual forma�on, faith, spiritual         to them “to demonstrate the radical call of the
        transforma�on, Christlike, rela�onships, ma-            gospel” (Wilhoit and Howard, 2020, p.6). They
        ture character, lifelong development                    devoted themselves to austerity, prayers and
        Introduc�on                                             The Roman Catholic tradi�on highlights the
        Spiritual forma�on is a lifelong process of             priest’s fundamental rela�onship to Jesus
        being formed and developed to become more               Christ and the Church. Forma�on takes place
        like Christ. It is personal and rela�onal forma�-       through programmes and resources provided
        on that take place throughout the seasons and           by training ins�tu�ons (Naidoo, 2008).The mis-
        transi�ons of life. Several verses in the Bible re-     sion of the seminary is pursued through these
        fer to how knowing God, change and transform            programmes. Four key dimensions of forma�-
        our thoughts, choices and behavior (Gal. 4:19;          on, i.e., human, intellectual, spiritual and pas-

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