Page 13 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 13

id quarelling, to be gentle and to show perfect        of ministry. Important values are passed on to
        courtesy toward all people.” (Titus 3: 1-2, ESV).      upcoming leaders and ul�mate contribu�ons
        Paul further wrote “that those who believe in          developed. According to this model, three con-
        God “may be careful to devote themselves to            cepts may be used to describe God’s shaping
        good works and to avoid foolish controversies,         ac�vi�es, i.e., spiritual forma�on, minsterial
        genealogies, dissensions and quarrels about            forma�on and strategic forma�on.
        the law.” Developing these characteris�cs is a
        lifelong process and requires obedience and            Diagram for Lifelong Developmental Spiritual
        faithfulness.                                          Forma�on
                                                               The order of the three concepts will shi� over
        Spri�ual Forma�on as a Lifelong Develop-               the life �me of a leader as God’s shaping takes
        ment of Leaders                                        place (Clinton and Clinton, 2004). During the
        Chris�an leaders who adopt the lifelong deve-          early ministry phase ministerial forma�on will
        lopmental perspec�ve on spirtual forma�on              be more prominent, followed by spiritual for-
        will evaluate and interpret every event or chal-       ma�on and lastly strategic forma�on. In the
        lenge that they encounter as an opportunity for        middle ministry phase it would be spiritual-,
        spiritual growth and will view these events as         ministerial and then strategic. During the la�er
        God’s sovereign way of shaping their character.        phase it would be strategic, spiritual and minis-
        1Timothy 3:1-3 address the character quali�es          terial. The finishing well phase is characterized
        that Chris�an leaders should possess. This             by strategic and spiritual forma�on.
        perspec�ve is based in the belief that God in-
        tends to develop every leader to his/her maxi-         How does God shape leaders to move to the fo-
        mum poten�al and accomplish the things                 cused life? And what does the focused life look
        he/she is gi�ed for. This perspec�ve guides a          like? The focused life is described as 1) a life ex-
        believer to iden�fy and analyze key events and         clusively dedicated to carry out God’s purpo-
        turning points in the light of how they contribu-      ses, 2) an increasing priori�zing of one’s major
        ted to spiritual forma�on. Lesson learned could        role as a leader, life purpose, and ul�mate con-
        be extracted from these events, and spiritual          tribu�ons one’s leadership becomes focused
        values iden�fied. Crea�ng self awareness of the        on one’s calling (Clinton and Clinton, 2004). The
        developmental process by reflec�ng on key              results should be a sa�sfying life of being and
        events will guide ac�ons and decisions about           the sense of finishing well. Ministry flows out of
        the future. A key ques�on would be: “How is            being as God first works in us and then through
        this event shaping me to be more like Christ?”         us. God builds character, the ability to do things
        Each leader has to be aware of and se                  and shapes our values. Spiritual forma�on rela-
                                                               tes to three cri�cal ques�ons, i.e., 1) “On what
        Clinton and Clinton (2004) proposed a ministry         to you base your iden�ty?” “On what you are
        �meline that moves from ministry founda�ons            or what you do?” 2) “Do you have focus in your
        to the focused life to finishing well. Ministry        life?” “Do you do the right things?” Or “do you
        Founda�ons entails the shaping of basic cha-           do the right things right?” 3) “Are you proac-
        racter and underlying values. Some des�ny              �vely moving towards finishing well?”
        ac�vites might occur during this phase. The se-
        cond phase, Early Ministry, entails a commit-          The shaping processes may include resistance,
        ment to ministry and early experiences at mi-          disappointment in the ministry, backlash, per-
        nistering. During the Middle Ministry phase            secu�on, failure, losses, or other challenges.
        one’s life purpose and gi�edness are clarified.        These challenges should be evaluated and in-
        Breakthrough insights for empowering people            terpreted in the context of a lifelong develop-
        might happen. The La�er Ministry phase focu-           mental process of spiritual forma�on. The pro-
        ses on moving towards effec�ve ministry and            cess of self awareness and self reflec�on, pre-
        the peak of one’s ministry The Finishing Well          viously discussed, could be followed to gain in-
        phase focuses on the consolida�on of a life�me         sight into the work of the Spirit, the self, and

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