Page 11 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 11
toral are iden�fied that may be included in the Spiritual Forma�on
programmes. Mar�n Luther introduced prayer Inten�onal spiritual forma�on could be pursu-
and medita�on on the text in the context of the ed by engaging in spiritual disciplines and spiri-
trials of life and established a prac�ce of spiri- tual exercises. Tradi�onal spiritual exercises
tual forma�on for sincere believers (Wilhoit and disciplines such as those developed and
and Howard, 2020). prac�ced by the desert fathers and Benedict of
Nursia are s�ll relevant. The prac�ces develo-
In the Protestant theological tradi�on forma�- ped by Mar�n Luther can be followed by any
on is not part of the theological curriculum but sincere believer. Wilhoit and Howard (2020)
rather pursued through individual faculty. In proposed the word WISDOM as an acronym to
this context, forma�on refers to human and refer to the prac�ces that should be involved in
spiritual. In theological educa�on the scope of spiritual forma�on. W- stands for wise plan-
forma�on could be summarised as 1) to be like ning. Leaders should prayerfully seek what is
Christ, 2) to know the Word of God and 3) to do needed to implement in a specific context. I-
the work of ministry. Lu (2021) asserts that stands for inten�onal and refers to calling peo-
most higher educa�on contexts focus on the ple to commit to dis�nguish themselves from
cogni�ve dimension of forma�on. The dimensi- the world. S- stands for Scripture, salva�on and
ons of self awareness in spirit, emo�on and Spirit and emphasises the message of salva�-
awareness are neglected. on. The D- stands for discipleship, the O- for op-
�mism and the M- for Means, or the methods,
According to Lu (2021) transforma�ve learning trials and events that provide the opportuni�es
occurs when a person’s frames of reference are for spiritual forma�on. More recently develo-
cri�cally examined and new frames of refe- ped educa�onal methods provide learning ex-
rence developed. New frames of reference are periences aimed at leading theology students
formed by going through a process that invol- into spiritual forma�on (Lu, 2021). Many of
ves a disorien�ng dilemma; self examina�on of these methods and exercises could be imple-
feelings of anger, guilt or remorse; a cri�cal as- mented by believers to engage in spiritual
sessment of asump�ons; intepre�ng one’s dis- growth.
content as a process of transforma�on; explo-
ring new op�ons of roles; rela�onships and re- Spiritual Forma�on as a Lifelong Process of
sponsibili�es; planning new ac�ons; acquiring Sanc�fica�on
knowledge and skill; trying out new roles; buil- The spiritual forma�on of Chris�an leaders
ding confidence and competence in the new from the perspec�ve of a lifelong process of
role, and reintegra�on into one’s life based on sanc�fica�on provides a �meline and direc�on
the new perspec�ve (Lu, 2021). This process for growth. This perspec�ve can be applied by
fits in with the lifelong process of spiritual for- any sincere believer. Forma�on and transfor-
ma�on as discussed in this ar�cle. ma�on incorporate processes, challenges and
turning points, which are woven together in
The Holy Spirit works in a person to recognize the lifelong process of sanc�fica�on (Clinton &
an inner state of self that inspires engagement Clinton, 2004; Naidoo, 2008). Through these
with the Spirit. This leads to self awareness and challenges believers are becoming more Christ-
self reflec�on, assessment of the challenge or like and their Chris�an character is shaped in
disorien�ng dilemma, and consequent spiritual accordance with God’s work in them. Ephesians
development. Theologians agree that spiritual 2: 10 states: “We are God’s handiwork, created
forma�on involves mul�ple levels and dimensi- in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God
ons that are interrelated. Self knowledge and prepared in advance for us to do.”
self awareness are essen�al elements in this Paul, in his le�er to Titus, encouraged him to
process. It is important to note that spiritual admonish true believers to be ready for every
forma�on should focus firstly on spiritual deve- good work. Titus was instructed to remind
lopment and deepening our rela�onship with them “to be submissive to rulers and authori-
Christ, and secondly on knowledge and skills. �es, toobedient, to speak evil of no one, to avo-