Page 88 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 88

of contemporary culture and reductionism (sci-    sight known to psychotherapists. The most inte-
             entism)  prevailing  almost  everywhere  in  the   resting, however, is the last way, which perfectly
             understanding of man, I can go on to deal with    characterizes Aquinas‘ approach to man: he ad-
             what seems to be slightly weaker aspect of the    vises that in such a final situation, when none of
             author‘s suggestion.                              the previous ways worked, just ... take a warm
                                                               bath and go to sleep. I consider this to be a great
             First of all, from reading the writings of St. Tho-  anticipation  of  later  knowledge,  revealing  the
             mas Aquinas (As a philosopher, I am as a Tho-     saint‘s cognitive attitude. Well, this attitude was
             mist from the so-called “Warsaw school of con-    extremely open to natural knowledge. It is not
             sistent Thomism”), in my opinion, a slightly dif-  difficult to know what sources our philosopher
             ferent picture of this saint‘s attitude emerges on   used. After all, he was considered an Aristote-
             the issue of stress. As in many other cases, this   lian, and the Stagirite was a called a naturalist
             relationship was ... prophetic. I am of the opini-  (both naturalist and philosopher).
             on that the saint anticipated the 20th-century
             knowledge of our body‘s responses to stressors.   However,  in  the  case  of  St.  Thomas  we  have
             This can be seen when we go into the text of his   another important influence, the leadership of
             treatise on feelings or treatise on virtues (rele-  a  Dominican  saint  -  Albert  the  Great  of  Co-
             vant fragments of Theological Summa).             logne,  who  for  many  years  was  the  most  im-
                                                               portant teacher of St. Thomas, and at the same
             Well, considering the issue of sadness (Summa     time was an outstanding (perhaps the greatest
             Theologiae,  1-2,  qu.  37-38),  St.  Thomas  notes   in Europe then?) naturalist. I always wondered
             that it is absolutely necessary to avoid this fee-  how it happened that Saint Thomas did not de-
             ling, which threatens the life of man. Sadness    vote himself solely to studying nature with such
             destroys.  Thus,  it  anticipates  the  knowledge   a teacher, but apparently he decided that the-
             we have gained, e.g. thanks to the study of the   re are more important matters? Probably right.
             impact of stress on health, which is currently    However, Saint Albert had to teach his student
             very  accurate  and  extensive,  those  interested   a modern scientific attitude. And he succeeded.
             are even familiar with the findings of Holmes     Reading St. Thomas, I see it all the time. Would
             and Rahe (1967, SRRS) about the relationship      someone not having a sense of the principles
             between illness and stress. Now, the saint is not   of  organic  life  pay  attention  to  such  specific
             limited to warnings about sadness.                aspects? Probably not. St. Thomas Aquinas did
                                                               not waste the time spent with Saint Albert. He
             He gives five specific tips on how to avoid it, in   had  good  knowledge  of  nature,  probably  ex-
             proportion to the strength of the feeling (stress?)   ceeding even Aristotle‘s conceptions. He owed
             (STh, 1-2, qu.38). These tips are, in turn: a) pro-  it  to  his  master,  Saint  Albert  the  Great.  This
             viding yourself with some equivalent pleasure;    is hidden behind the veil of his philosophical
             b) expressing sadness (crying out); c) blaming    and theological considerations. Yes, he had to
             friends with their sadness; d) „the strongest ple-  use mainly Aristotelian tools, then considered
             asure“ or contemplation of truth and the fifth,   revolutionary progressive, but thanks to Saint
             final way, about which more in a moment.          Albert probably already distanced himself from
                                                               them to some extent.
             When we consider this scale of preventing sad-
             ness, we see a convergence with modern psycho-    And here is my fundamental comment on the
             logical knowledge regarding various aspects of    text of S. Parenti. So-called rational (or Thomi-
             „coping“ (e.g. expression or burdening friends).   stic) psychology was and still is based on the
             Today we know how effective social support is     biology of Aristotle, and not based on the core
             in reducing tensions (by the way, it is also so-  philosophy of St. Thomas (original metaphysics
             mewhat harmful for the supporters themselves,     of esse). And like Aristotelian physics today (in
             but not so much as to make them give it up).      some respects), one “smells a rat”. Meanwhile,
             The fourth way is to refer to the concept of in-  modern Thomism has many more propositions,

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