Page 89 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 89
because it has already distanced itself from the why I remembered my intellectual adventures
nineteenth-century purely Aristotelian inter- from many years ago. S. Parenti‘s work has its
pretation of Thomism. The best example is the meaning here, but it is, in my opinion, insuf-
work of the Warsaw Thomists (school of Prof. ficient, because it does not have a sufficient sen-
M. Gogacz), who made an effort to purify Tho- sitivity to aspects that arise from research con-
mism from too much Aristotelian influence. tact with living organisms, contact that is uni-
They also started a discussion with friends from que to a biologist. It is difficult to replace this
the so-called Lublin philosophical school (Prof. kind of insight with meditation or reading. The
Krąpiec, Prof. Kamiński and successor). use of Aristotelian tools, although temporarily
opening original perspectives, is not enough.
Before World War II, Thomism was almost It would be necessary to study simultaneously
exclusively Aristotelian, some of the original many scholastic thinkers, especially St. Albert
aspects of this philosophy were forgotten. Gra- and St. Thomas, but not only them. It‘s a road
dually interest in so-called rational psychology that is just beginning to be marked out and
expired, even in Lublin. A new search was ne- point towards the horizon. All trials and efforts
cessary. If you are interested, please refer to the are welcome, including the work of S. Parenti.
excellent review of the philosophy of consistent Its undoubted strength is its struggle against
Thomism in English (Andrzejuk et al., Krakow, very harmful reductionism in the understan-
2019). ding of man. It is appropriate to congratulate S.
Parenti once again for his excellent work.
As a philosopher and biologist, I am convinced
that it is necessary to rebuild the description of References:
man by constantly using various tools and keys, Andrzejuk A., Lipski D., Płotka M., Zembrzuski M.
including adopting purely biological, psycho- (2019). Mieczysław Gogacz (English version). The Polish
Christian Philosophy in the 20th Century. Ignatianum:
logical and philosophical approaches – views Kraków.
forming part of the specific methodology of Wojcieszek K. (2000). Stworzony i zrodzony. Wyd. Navo:
these sciences, each different in nature. That is Warszawa.