Page 49 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 49
Nicholas DiFonzo (USA) Nicholas Di-
Evil Rumors Fonzo earned a
Ph.D. in Social
& Organizational
Abstract Psychology from
Using a Christian psychology approach, this ar- Temple Univer-
ticle explores the connection between rumors sity in 1994. He
and stress. Christian psychology begins with is Professor of
Scripture and the relevant texts of the Christian Psychology at
tradition in order to orient subsequent texts, in- Rochester Insti-
cluding those of modern psychology. Christian tute of Technolo-
psychology has reconceptualized rumor as in- gy (NY, US), where he has taught courses in
formation and stories that are interpreted and Positive Psychology, Meaning in Life, Social
responded to within theological narrative and Psychology, and Research Methods. Nick’s
cosmic conflict contexts. Stress can be recast as research interests include the psychology of
divine pruning, a growth-oriented trial. Rumors rumor, forgiveness, and Christian psycholo-
linked to stress—fear rumors—are therefore in- gy. Nick lives in western New York state (US)
formation and stories about trials that God uses with his wife, Margaret.
to prune his children. When confronted with
fear-rumors, God’s people are to hold fast, un-
moved, rooted in a trustful security. They are to
be informed, not alarmed. In contrast, modern Bad news, evil tidings, and tragic reports would
conceptions of rumor as naturalistically evol- all be considered “stressors” today. In this ar-
ved collective threat detection systems bear a ticle, I explore the connection between ru-
striking similarity to modern understandings mors and stress. I approach the matter from a
of stress as adaptive threat appraisal systems. In Christian psychology perspective, then discuss
sum, Christian psychology understands rumor modern conceptions linking rumor and stress.
stress as a pruning process; modern psychology Along the way I highlight the role of grounding
links rumors and stress as collective and indivi- assumptions in our understanding of rumor
dual survival signals. and stress. I turn first to a Christian psychology
conceptualization of rumor.
Evil Rumors
The choir sang an Anglican chant based on Christian Psychology
Psalm 112: “They will not be afraid of any evil Christian psychology is ancient—it has existed
rumors; their heart is right; they put their trust since the time of Christ, but also nascent—it has
in the LORD.” (Hurd, 1987, p. 253). Verse 7 only recently been resurrected among Christi-
is translated in various ways: “He shall not be ans as distinct from Integration, the dominant
afraid of evil tidings; his heart is fixed, trusting current approach of Christians to psycholo-
in the Lord.” (King James Version). “Of an evil gy (Johnson & Jones, 2000). The distinction is
report he is not afraid, prepared is his heart, about the starting point: With what texts does
confident in Jehovah.” (Young’s Literal Transla- one begin? One can start with the Scripture,
tion). “He is not afraid of bad news; his heart allowing Christian thought to form the catego-
is firm, trusting in the Lord.” (English Standard ries and contours of our psychological method,
Version). The psalm speaks about good and theory, and practice, then incorporate other
upright persons—they delight in God’s com- texts, including those of modern psychology
mands, are gracious and compassionate, lend (Johnson, 2007). Alternately, one can begin
freely, and conduct their affairs with justice. The with the texts of modern psychology, allowing
psalmist describes such people as unshaken by them pride of place in shaping our psycholo-
bad news, evil tidings, and tragic reports. Such gical method, theory, and practice, then incor-
persons trust in the Lord. porate the texts of Scripture. The results are not