Page 19 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 19
Some of the articles are based in both theoretical stian pastoral care and counselling. These orga-
developments and practical applications, such nisations display the depth of involvement and
as the article on Christian Community Psycho- seriousness about promoting Christian mental
logy. In this article the theoretical foundation health programmes and building up networks
for Community Psychology is discussed with of support.
an emphasis on how it fits in with our Christian
faith. Also included in this article is the work Lastly, I draw you attention to an article that
and report of a Christian Community Psycho- highlights how every Christian, no matter
logy student that implemented these principles what age group, could draw people to Christ
in a community in Namibia. The feedback re- on a daily basis. This is the article on Blessings,
ceived from this intervention indicates the need written by Willem Joubert. This article explores
for and impact of Christian Community Psy- the Scriptural meaning of ‘blessing” and how it
chology. could be applied by every person every day. The
practical steps outlined in this article provide
Applied Christian Psychology is also illustra- an easy to grasp and implement process to the
ted in the article written by Ms Wendy Grey- readers. It further challenges all of us to be ob-
vensteyn. Her programme involves adolescence edient to God’s word and to start to bless people
and indicates how this vulnerable stage of de- around us.
velopment could be supported by a Christian
psychological intervention. Ms Bèné Katabua In conclusion, I am thrilled, and I hope you
further emphasised the importance of Chri- would be too, by the variety of topics and depth
stian based intervention for children and ado- of dedication displayed by all these authors
lescence in her article about Missionary Kids. from diverse backgrounds, contributing to the
It is essential that we take note of the needs and field of Christian Anthropology, Psychology
issues of children in their different developmen- and Psychotherapy in the South African con-
tal phases and plan suitable Biblically based in- text.
terventions to help these kids and their families.
I pray that you will not only enjoy reading the-
The article written by Keith Michael, André and se articles but benefit on a theoretical, spiritual
Annette de la Porte and Marieke Willers provi- and practical level. May you be enriched and
de readers with insight into various non-profit touched by the ideas, experiences and dedicati-
organisations and ministries focusing on Chri- on we have shared.