Page 16 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 16
Pablo López Silva (Chile)
Comment to
“A Christian’s Guide to
Why a Christian Psychology?
In his article, Eric Johnson thoughtfully com-
ments on a number of issues surrounding the Pablo López-Silva, PhD,
debate about the empirical, methodological, School of Psychology
and conceptual foundations of the Christi- Faculty of Medicine
an psychology project. These problems can be The University of Valparaíso
grouped into to classes: On one side, relational Chile
problems or those concerning the issue about
how to think about the empirical and theo-
retical corpus that contemporary – secular – Certainly, modern physics and chemistry have
psychology has built up over the years from a been gradually walking away from the Christi-
Christian point of view. On the other side, Eric’s an worldview that motivated some of their most
examination focuses on internal problems, na- important discoveries. The example of contem-
mely, those exclusively arising from the Christi- porary biology and its emphasis on evolution
an project itself. An example of this class is the is even clearer. In all these cases we see the de-
problem concerning the theological choices that velopment of a strong process of secularization
Christian psychologists might need to make in from which psychology has not escaped. In this
developing the project and setting up a certain context the question about why a Christian psy-
view of the person in order to develop further chology becomes clearer. Over the years, em-
insights on it. Systematic work on these issues is pirical and social sciences have been hijacked
extremely important as it allows Christian psy- by those denying the existence of a loving God
chologists – as well as philosophers and social that designed and created the universe and the
scientists – to guide clinical and research decisi- creatures that inhabit it. Little by little, such an
ons in different contexts (professional practice, ideology has been monopolizing and control-
pastoral care, academia, and so on). ling the way in which the knowledge of God’s
creation is eventually reached and taught. In
The discussion of both relational and internal this way, secularized science has tried to detach
problems relates to the key issue about what a our knowledge of reality from the reality’s own
Christian psychology project is and how this creator, God, and this has many spiritual and
project should be developed. Eric Johnson has practical consequence.
done a great job clarifying the what and the how
of the Christian psychology project, a good ex- The first reason why need a Christian psycholo-
ample of this is his compilation ‘Psychology & gy is because we need to reconnect the domain
Christianity: Five views’. Here I shall focus on of the human mind with its creator and, by
a rather distinct – but still related – question, doing so, to show people how everything, even
namely, why do we need a Christian psychology our own minds, has a purpose in God. As such,
project? In fact, do we need a Christian psycho- this is a spiritual – or even evangelistic - rea-
logy project at all? I think we do; let me here son, as it will allow Christian to show how the
briefly comment on two of the many reasons I love of God permeates even the design of our
think so, one spiritual and one practical. minds and society. Study and doing research on