Page 23 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 23
Christian Psychology as a Challenge
gates into the city. Holy Spirit to search your heart and mind
He is the only path to eternal life as He states in for weaknesses and hidden motivations.
John 14: 16: “I am the way and the truth and the
life. No one comes to the Father except through 2. Mental disorders are very complex and
me.” God is a sovereign God. Over the years the
complexity of mental disorders has become
The psychological perspective that I have found more apparent and I realized that even when
extremely applicable and useful is the systemic equipped with psychological knowledge,
approach. My psychological framework for my faith and years of experience, attempts to
practice and teaching is systemic as it could “help” a distressed person could fail. I am
explain interconnections and interdependence convinced that insight in and acknowledg-
well across individuals and groups. ment of our own limitations in conjunction
The psychodynamic approach, which acknow- with a true and deep acceptance of God’s
ledges hidden motives and desires comprised sovereignty pose one of the most important
in the unconscious mind, is another useful fra- but difficult growth points for a Christian
mework when it comes to dealing with intra- psychologist.
psychic pro-
cesses, past
events and 3. D et er -
trauma. mining the
extent of my
A. May: Can Understanding
you probably where my re-
name some sponsibility for
“main insights”, the psycholo-
w hic h gical and spi-
widened your ritual growth
understanding of another per-
on your way son ends, of-
as a Christian ten challenged
psychologist? my decisions
about the ter-
N. Joubert: Ms Helen Gumbi and Prof Nicolene Joubert (2011) mination of
For me, there Ms Gumbi is a teacher at a school in Soshanguve, therapy. I per-
are three main a large town north of Pretoria, ceive thera-
insights. and a current B Psych degree internship student. peutic success
1. Christ is as more than
truly the Lord of Psychology. One of my the alleviation of symptoms, which causes a
early insights stems from engaging clients reluctance to terminate therapy if I am not
with issues and questions that moved far convinced a client could take responsibility
beyond the psychological domain and relate for spiritual growth. The lesson I have lear-
strongly to their spiritual needs and issues. ned is that over-responsibility places unne-
Psychological knowledge and answers could cessary burdens on me and robs the client
only partly address these questions. Addres- of the opportunity to learn Godly designed
sing spiritual needs explicitly taught me to and important lessons. I have learned that
deeply depend on the guidance of the Holy I am not responsible for clients’ decisions
Spirit and to respect and honour the healing but I am responsible before God for my in-
quality embedded in our relationship with put and influence over clients while I come
God. Further to this, growing spiritually along side them on their journey.
in one’s profession requires brutal honesty
about your own inner desires and allow the